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Position Paper for Brussels Conference on Afghanistan (Oct 4-5)


Civils Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN)

Position Paper


Brussels Conference on Afghanistan (Oct 4-5)

 Hassan Ali Faiz


The 2004 Constitution of Afghanistan, lays strong foundation for protection and promotion of human rights and sets up institutional mechanisms to ensure their protection. Article 58 of the Constitution establishes the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission. Afghanistan is also signatory to seven of nine core international human rights treaties in addition to Rome Statute.

Afghanistan has had several distinct human rights achievements in the past fourteen years but with the ongoing security, economic and political transformation – which will have impact on human rights – the hard-won gains are more fragile than ever. If these achievements are not consolidated, it is feared that they may roll back as the overall human rights situation is deteriorating on several fronts.

There are clear indications of declining respect for human rights. Alarming level of women rights violations, deteriorating security situation, recurring impunity of abusers, growing corruption, and weakened efficacy of Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission indicate waning determination on the part of the government of Afghanistan to respect, protect and fulfill human rights.

The most significant human rights problems in Afghanistan include among others, violence against women, civilian casualties, torture and arbitrary detention, abusive security forces, freedom of expression and press; discrimination and internal displacements.


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