Civil Society and Human Rights Network(CSHRN)

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Human Rights

In August 2004,  24 human rights organizations  registered the Civil Society and Human Rights Network in the Ministry of Justice and according to the general assembly of (CSHRN), the Network registered in February 2011 with the Ministry of Economy with the official name of Civil Society and Human Right Organization (CSHRO). We are organized as a nationwide network of 82 civil society organizations representing broad segments of the Afghan society in Kabul and in four provin­ces. Our members work in a variety of areas such as  women’s issues, transitional justice, radio- and TV production, printed media, but we are all bound together by our common commit­ment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and our common determination to promote human rights and to consistently apply rights based approaches to what we do. We firmly believe that Afghanistan can become a society based on democracy and the rule of law in accor­dance with human rights. This belief has become our vision so accordingly, we expect our society to become a nation, where all peo­ple are aware of their rights and where they dare to claim them through the rule of law. 


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