Statement by CSHRN on the events in the Behsood and Dimerdad districts Of Maidan Wardak province


In the name of Almighty Allah

Statement by CSHRN on the events in the Behsood and Dimerdad
districts Of Maidan Wardak province

Kabul , Afghanistan , 20 May 2010

Unfortunately once again Behsood and Dimirdad districts of Maidan Wardak province met armed and bloodshed conflict of Kuchis with local communities. According to received news during this conflict many people died, a lot of houses were burnt and thousands of local people displaced compulsorily. Many families including women and children were displaced and some even disappeared.

This is not a new event, as already in the previous years, Kuchis (nomads) were coming to the areas when the weather got warmer and the conflict started between them and local people. Two years ago, the conflict lasted for more than two months in these two districts and many people were killed and thousands displaced from Behsood and Dimirdad. The state came up with a short term program to address the conflict, but could not find a useful long-term strategy to solve the problem.

Therefore, Afghan citizens have doubts about the political willingness of the state to solve this social problem. Lowering and deterioration of trust of people toward the state creates other social problems as well as expansion of dimension of existing problem in the country. On the other hand, this type of conflict between citizens of Afghanistan is the result of a lack of governmental strategy and useful programs for national conflict resolution in the country level, but when there is armed conflict and usage of weapon, the case meets a new and complicated dimension and means. The disarmament program (DAIAG) was implemented in most parts of Afghanistan and many groups were disarmed, therefore any armed conflict and usage of weapons by some groups considered insurgency against the government and violation of rule of law in the country.

This kind of event can also negatively affects the peace building programs and the national unity and makes the ground for Taliban and other terrorist groups to get the privileges to make other part of the country easily insecure. In addition, this will weakens the state sovereignty, because while citizens feel that the government is not able to secure their rights and solve their problems, they do not trust to the state any more.

The Afghan Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) believes that for stability and peace in the country, the sovereignty of the government should be strengthened in the minds of the Afghan people and the government should establish a closer relationship with the people.

Security should be enjoyed by individuals and groups. It is the fundamental right of citizens and the government is obliged to protect it, to strengthen sovereignty, and to defend the rule of law.

CHSRN believes that the existence of weapons in the hands of irresponsible persons and illegal armed groups causes insecurity and accelerate crisis. CSHRN ask the Afghan government to disarm all irresponsible and illegal armed group across the country.

The Afghan Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) believes that citizens must have fair and equal rights. We believe Kuchiz (nomads) are deprived from their basic civil rights such as right of education, welfare rights, and the right of health. Based of Afghanistan constitution state has to seriously protect the rights of citizens and in case of any crises and tensions between citizens solve the problems according to the law in a fair and justice manner. According to the law state is obliged to provide a secure life, social welfare based on social justice and human dignity for citizens. It needs to protect human rights and to provide equality between all citizens, ethnic and tribes in the country. According to article 14 of the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the government is obliged to settle and improve the life of Kuchis (nomads). Settlement of Kuchis (nomads) enables Kuchis to enjoy their civil rights and could solve the conflict between nomads and local communities and residents.

CSHRN as an umbrella organization and coordination center consisting of seventy organizations working for human rights values, frequently asks the government to take into account the following points:

•  To solve the conflict between Kuchis (nomads) and local people in Dimirdad and Behsood districts. Serious and urgent action needs to be taken in order to prevent the parties from continuing of killing, destroying and burning homes and farms

•  To solve the conflict between Kuchis (nomads) and local people of different localities in the provinces and districts according to article 14 of the Afghan constitution to settle and improve Kuchis (nomads) life.

•  Security of citizens must be taken as the most fundamental obligation of state.

•  The disarmament program needs to be fully implemented and do not let that existing of weapons make the ground for armed conflict between citizens and provide the opportunity for terrorist groups to use it illegally for their benefit.

Wish to provide peace and justice in the country
Civil Society and Human rights Network

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