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Message of condolences


In the name of Almighty Allah

Message of condolences

Kabul, Afghanistan
  January 2010

News01-21-1The Civil Society and Human Rights Network has received the very sad news of the sudden death of Mr. Rémy M. Beauregard, in Toronto, Canada. The Civil Society and Human Rights Network’s member organizations hereby wish to express their deepest condolences to Mr. Beauregard’s family and colleagues in R&D in Montréal, Kabul and other parts of the world. He was a friend of the Afghan human rights family and a well-kwon human rights defender. The civil Society and Human Rights Network will remember Mr. Beauregard as a remarkable friend.

Despite this sad lost, the Civil Society and Human Rights Network hopes that the cooperation with R&D will continue in a constructive manner.

Civil Society and Human Rights Network

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