Training Manual of Election

In the name of almighty Allah Training Manual of Election Preamble Election or the votes of people for electing a president, representatives of people in parliament or a leader of a political party or other institutions is one of the principles of democracy. With the passage of time, and expansion of human relationships and thoughts, elections has been associated with many increases and decreases and maybe some alterations, but anyhow the main purpose of elections is the votesand opinions of people in politics and political leadership of a society. Elections is a mechanism that enables all the eligible generation of a society to decide on their own future by participating in the process of electing political leaders for the society. Elections mechanism is different considering the cultural and intellectual condition of a society. Most often, it's managed by an independent body called Independent Election Commission or Election Committee. The role of the government in the election process is interpreted as the facilitator of the condition for the process of the elections and providing security, and does not have the right to interfere in the electoral process. Understanding and recognizing elections and itsimportance requires intellectual maturity and organizing appropriate training and awareness programs, and delivering it through the mass media and also distribution of Guidelines and Handbooks that will help and enable the public people to realize the importance of elections and their votes for determining an appropriate leader for a peaceful and stable political future of the society. The “Training Manual of Election” has been prepared in six chapters to increase the awareness of the people regarding elections and its importance. Reading the training manual accurately and carefully will provide the readers necessary information regarding the importance of elections, election conditions and requirements, responsibilities and mechanisms of elections.…

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Training Manual on International Human Rights Mechanisms

The government, as a member of the United Nations, is committed to the values ​​of the world organization and is continuously linked to the treaty and numerous UN conventions on human rights, but unfortunately as reported, these values to UN human rights structures has seen a lot ​​ challenges and difficulties. At the same time, Afghanistan government has seen the greatest transgressions of human rights in particular in the past thirty years. Lack of awareness of international human rights mechanisms and structures have been the cause for the victims of human rights violations to be unable to raise their voices about their legal difficulties outside the boundaries of Afghanistan and to the international organizations. Civil Society Institute and the Afghan Human Rights believes that the “Training Manual on International Human Rights Mechanisms ", provides the groundwork for the structure and working methods of the international human rights system. For the development of this handbook, the Civil Society and Human Rights Network, held a consultative meeting with their member organizations. In this meeting, the basic training program about the determinants of international human rights organization, were offered to member organizations. Then members of civil society and human rights organizations, identified the structure of the handbook and discuss the main components that need to be addressed in this handbook. In this meeting, the working group presented the first draft manual. Working Group in close cooperation with the Secretariat of the Civil Society and Human Rights Organization and the Danish Human Rights Organization expertise has provided the first draft manual and shared with network’s member organizations. Civil Society Secretariat and the Afghan Human Rights Organization, undertake the coordination of the manual programs. the first draft will be presented in the second consultative meeting of ‘’Training Manual on International Human Rights Mechanisms’’, which is scheduled to be held in…

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