The Voice

CSHRN produces together with the private radio channel ‘Good Morning Afghanistan' (GMA) since 2004 a weekly 30 minutes emission on human rights. It is called “The Voice” and is broadcasted in Dari and Pashto. ‘The Voice' addresses crucial issues of human rights in Afghanistan by educating the general public on human rights, but also by investigating severe cases of violations of human rights. It does this by having experts giving educational programs, by facilitating discussions between Afghan citizens, parliamentarians, intellectuals and civil society organisations on important human rights issues, by presenting investigative programs and following up on the violations with state actors. ‘The Voice' can be received through all of Afghanistan. By producing ‘The Voice', CSRHN and ‘Good Morning Afghanistan' aim at strengthening the rule of law through promoting respect for human rights in Afghanistan and at contributing to the development of the Afghan civil society. All the emissions of ‘The Voice' can be listened to in the archive of ‘Good Morning Afghanistan'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- کمپاین روز جهانی صلح 24,09,2012   ۲۱ سپتامبر یا روز جهانی صلح، همه ساله در جهان تجلیل می شود. از این روز درافغانستان نیز تجلیل می گردد. جنگ ویرانگر بیش از سی سال درافغانستان آثار تکاندهنده و خاطرات تلخ را در این کشور بجا گذاشته و ادامه ی آن نیز هر روز خاطره تلخ دیگری را در این سرزمین رقم می زند. با این وصف مردم افغانستان بیشتر از هر زمان دیگر به صلح وآرامش نیاز دارند. این در حالیست که افغانستان درحال حاضر نیز تلخترین وتکاندهنده ترین رویداد های قتل، کشتار، انفجار و بی امنیتی را به تجربه می نشیند. اما پایان جنگ چه وقت خواهد بود؟ مردم این سرزمین چگونه میتوانند به صلح وآشتی دست یابند و به جنگ نقطه ی پایان بگذارند؟ این موضوع را دربرنامه امروز به بحث وبررسی گرفته…

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The Voice

CSHRN produces together with the private radio channel ‘Good Morning Afghanistan' (GMA) since 2004 a weekly 30 minutes emission on human rights. It is called “The Voice” and is broadcasted in Dari and Pashto. ‘The Voice' addresses crucial issues of human rights in Afghanistan by educating the general public on human rights, but also by investigating severe cases of violations of human rights. It does this by having experts giving educational programs, by facilitating discussions between Afghan citizens, parliamentarians, intellectuals and civil society organisations on important human rights issues, by presenting investigative programs and following up on the violations with state actors. ‘The Voice' can be received through all of Afghanistan. By producing ‘The Voice', CSRHN and ‘Good Morning Afghanistan' aim at strengthening the rule of law through promoting respect for human rights in Afghanistan and at contributing to the development of the Afghan civil society. All the emissions of ‘The Voice' can be listened to in the archive of ‘Good Morning Afghanistan'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- کشته شدن ۲۰ تن از مردم ملکی در ولایت کندز توسط یک قوماندان محلی 10,09,2012   یک قوماندان محلی در ولایت کندز بعد از آن که شماری ازافرادش توسط افراد ناشناس به قتل رسید، ۲۰ تن از افراد ملکی را از خانه هایشان بیرون نموده و هدف قرارداد. دراین رویداد ۱۳فرد ملکی دیگر زخمی شده اند.  از سوی دیگر در یک حمله انتحاری طالبان مسلح در ولسوالی دربابای ولایت ننگرهار نزدیک به ۸۰ تن از مردم ملکی کشته و زخمی شده اند. بحث این هفته برنامه صدا به هدف قرار گرفتن مردم ملکی از سوی نیروهای طرفدار دولت و نیروهای مخالف دولت اختصاص داده شده است. مهمانان گرامی دراین بحث: ۱- خانم شینکی ذهین کروخیل نماینده مردم درمجلس نماینده گان. ۲- رحیم الله رامح نماینده عدالت انتقالی درکمیسیون مستقل حقوق بشر افغانستان. ۳- محمد…

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Youth’s Cultural Radio Program

An Afghanistan youth's cultural network has been established in 10/October/2009. The general aim of the youth's cultural network is to promote the understanding of the Afghan youths about the cultural rights of the Afghan citizens in order to protect these rights. To this end, a network for a dialogue on social and cultural issues among students of different afghan universities has been created. This network will anchor the culture of human rights among students and strengthens the cooperation and understanding among students from different cultural and geographical backgrounds. The cultural youth network is support in the technical and coordination field by CSHRN, financially by the Denmark 's Cultural Centre for Development and all the activities in the regions are carried out through the regional offices of CSHRN. Together with the private radio channel' Good Morning Afghanistan (GMA), this network conducts since December 2009 a youth cultural program once a month. This program is based on discussions of debates that the network is continuously carrying out in Kabul and the provinces. This program lasts 45 minutes and the participants invited to this program are university students from Kabul, but also from Herat, Bamyan, and Balkh who take part in these debates via phone. All the radio programs of the youth's cultural network can be listened to in the archive of ‘Good Moring Afghanistan' and CSHRN site. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "دهمین برنامۀ رادیویی فرهنگ و جوانان" 25,06,2011 برنامۀ دهم: گفتمان تحت نام نقش جوانان در رسانه ها مجری برنامه: سید حامد احمدی شبکۀ فرهنگی جوانان به ادامۀ گفتمانهای فرهنگی و هنری خود این بار خواست تا موضوع نقش جوانان در رسانه ها را به بحث بکشد. در گفتمان کنونی از یکتعداد جوانانی که در برخی از رسانه های کشور فعالیت دارند دعوت شده است تا در این مورد بحث و گفتگو کنند.…

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The Angaara Magazine is a bi-monthly magazine for persons dealing professionally with human rights. The magazine offers in depth articles and interviews on current human rights issues in Afghanistan. It is at present published in 5000 copies and is distributed directly through CSHRN. Thanks to the distribution via the regional offices of CSRHN in Herat, Mazar-e-Sharif and Jalalabad, it reaches also rather remote areas. The Angaara Magazine is used by universities as part of their teaching and studying material, by groups of intellectuals as base for discussions and by the parliament and the Afghan administration as a base of knowledge. ……………………………………………… Read The PDF

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Training Manual of Election

In the name of almighty Allah Training Manual of Election Preamble Election or the votes of people for electing a president, representatives of people in parliament or a leader of a political party or other institutions is one of the principles of democracy. With the passage of time, and expansion of human relationships and thoughts, elections has been associated with many increases and decreases and maybe some alterations, but anyhow the main purpose of elections is the votesand opinions of people in politics and political leadership of a society. Elections is a mechanism that enables all the eligible generation of a society to decide on their own future by participating in the process of electing political leaders for the society. Elections mechanism is different considering the cultural and intellectual condition of a society. Most often, it's managed by an independent body called Independent Election Commission or Election Committee. The role of the government in the election process is interpreted as the facilitator of the condition for the process of the elections and providing security, and does not have the right to interfere in the electoral process. Understanding and recognizing elections and itsimportance requires intellectual maturity and organizing appropriate training and awareness programs, and delivering it through the mass media and also distribution of Guidelines and Handbooks that will help and enable the public people to realize the importance of elections and their votes for determining an appropriate leader for a peaceful and stable political future of the society. The “Training Manual of Election” has been prepared in six chapters to increase the awareness of the people regarding elections and its importance. Reading the training manual accurately and carefully will provide the readers necessary information regarding the importance of elections, election conditions and requirements, responsibilities and mechanisms of elections.…

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Peace, the bright pattern of «Angaara» magazine

The secretariat of the Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) is pleased to announce that the new volume of «Angaara» magazine has been published. Peace and respect to social security constitute one of the important strategic components of CSHRN. According to CSHRN, peace is a proper and fair way for securing, promoting and defending the Human Rights values, democracy and the rule of law. Meanwhile, peace cannot be separated or kept away from the social justice. CSHRN considered the securement of Human Rights as one the most crucial and significant backgrounds for generalizing peace in Afghanistan. Respecting the women's rights constitutes one these values. Hence, Angaara has initiated peace discourses as the most obvious social demands of Afghans in its new version. The new version of «Angaara» has been dedicated to peace and its challenges in Afghanistan as well as its role on the international security. The working group of «Angaara» magazine has tried their best to professionally discuss the factors of the continues wars and conflicts from various angles as political, juridical and sociological point of views. The aim of publishing the dedicated version, is advocating for peace and stability in the country. In this volume, the national and international writers, analysts and researchers have expressed their ideas and topics regarding peace, that have been discussed slightly by other institutions and media in the country. Rahnaward Zaryab, a famous Afghan writer has provided a very precious article about the values of peace in the Persian Literature. In this issue, a commendable interview was done with Mr. Ahmad Rasheed, a well known Pakistani journalist and analyst, regarding the peace situation in the region and the role of its players. Dr. Sima Samar, head of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHC) and one of Human…

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Some interviews with ordinary people in Bamyan province concerning access to information and its outcomes in Afghanistan

During the last year CSHRN organized a broad- wide dialogue concerning access to information draft law which is a very important on going activity of CSHRN. In order to receive the feed back of ordinary people the CSHRN Bamyan office made survey- interviews with some people in the Bazaar of Bamyan city. By: Ms. Taeba Khawari and Mr. Ismail Zaki Mr. Mohammad is one of the unskilled worker in Bamyan city, I asked him in a very simple language about access to information. I explained him what do we mean by access to information and then I looked for his opinion. He explained that access to information plays the role of a light in a dark tunnel; if we do not have this light we are not able to find the exit door easily. For example I have the same problem in my life. I do not know about my future if some body informs me about our government programs or Bamyan city development programs then it is much easier for me to know my role to play. Liaqat Ali is one of the painter and calligrapher of Bamyan city; we were going to ask him the same question. It seems he is more clever and smart, he says information plays an important role for each citizens every where in our country. If we had access to information we never experienced three decades of war in Afghanistan. The problem is we do not know about each other culture, ethnic background and national interest. Lack of information created a gap between different cultures in Afghanistan. That is why we became very aggressive against each others. I can imagine if a person does not have access to information he looks like a blind person who does not know what to…

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(Angaara 8)

The Angaara Magazine is a bi-monthly magazine for persons dealing professionally with human rights. The magazine offers in depth articles and interviews on current human rights issues in Afghanistan. It is at present published in 5000 copies and is distributed directly through CSHRN. Thanks to the distribution via the regional offices of CSRHN in Herat, Mazar-e-Sharif and Jalalabad, it reaches also rather remote areas. The Angaara Magazine is used by universities as part of their teaching and studying material, by groups of intellectuals as base for discussions and by the parliament and the Afghan administration as a base of knowledge. ……………………………………………… Read The PDF

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Access to information creates conviction

An interview with Mr. Sarwar Jawadi, member of the National Assembly of Afghanistan about access to information importance in the current situation. By Ismail Zaki Mr. Jawadi, thanks you very much for this interview. In your opinion what is the importance of access to information for the Afghan citizens? Answer: Thank you very much for the interviewing me. To my understanding access to information is a recognized human rights issue. The Afghan constitution confirms access to information as a fundamental right to each citizen. If the Afghan people don't have access to information about main programs, policies and plans of the government, then the confidence between citizens and the state breaks down. The luck of confidence between citizens and state badly damages the legitimacy of the Afghan state and creates instability and disorder in the society. Such a bad mechanism may have negative consequences in the filed of political, economic, social and cultural affaires of each citizen in Afghanistan. Question: In your opinion how does access to information affect the policy making procedures of the Afghan government? Answer: Look, when the information is provided to citizens it creates transparent communication of population with the government, so the civil society, media, lawyers and researchers can play an important role to convey the message of people to the government. I believe in such a situation the government can make proper and realistic policies. Question: As you said access to information is one of the fundamental rights of citizens recognized by the Afghan constitution. What did the Afghan National Assembly do concerning access to information promotion? Answer: According to the law the Afghan parliament can do two things; the first one is to advocate for access to information. In this regard we could approve the media law as a positive tool…

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(Angaara 7)

The Angaara Magazine is a bi-monthly magazine for persons dealing professionally with human rights. The magazine offers in depth articles and interviews on current human rights issues in Afghanistan. It is at present published in 5000 copies and is distributed directly through CSHRN. Thanks to the distribution via the regional offices of CSRHN in Herat, Mazar-e-Sharif and Jalalabad, it reaches also rather remote areas. The Angaara Magazine is used by universities as part of their teaching and studying material, by groups of intellectuals as base for discussions and by the parliament and the Afghan administration as a base of knowledge.   ……………………………………………… Read The PDF

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