Joint statement of CSHRN & Nai supporting open media in Afghanistan Regarding the law of access to information

In the name of Almighty Allah Joint statement of CSHRN & Nai supporting open media in Afghanistan Regarding the law of access to information January 13, 2014 Kabul Afghanistan Access to information is one of the main backgrounds of forming knowledgeable and responsible citizens and democratic political institutions and organizations. The law of access to information strengthens the role of the citizens in state and nation-building and provides the ground for legacy of the political system. The Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan which is comprised of 129 member organizations, prepared the first draft of the law on access to information in constructive coordination and partnership with civil society institutions, experts and human rights activists, and carried out an extensive research and discussion about that in three analytical symposiums. On the other hand, the draft law was observed and evaluated by academic and civil society organizations, media and other stakeholders. Last year, ministry of information and culture expressed its interest on the draft law of access to information and supported its approval. Based on the commitment of ministry of information and culture, a joint committee of evaluating and researching the draft law was created to comprehensively reevaluate the mentioned draft law. The High Media Council also announced its support from the approval of the law on access to information and asked the government to actively pursue the process of ratifying the draft law. The draft law on access to information has been presented to ministry of justice of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan by CSHRN and the ministry of information & culture. The scheme was welcomed by civil society, political institutions, and Nai supporting open media in Afghanistan, Afghanistan's National Journalists Union (ANJU), transparency watch of Afghanistan and the media of the country continuously advocate speeding up…

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CSHRN statement About the increasing violence against women in Herat province

In the name of Almighty Allah CSHRN statement About the increasing violence against women in Herat province December 19, 2013 Herat-Afghanistan The western Herat province of Afghanistan has recently been witnessed of heinous and inhuman acts against women. The incident happened with Sitara; a young lady has shocked all the people across the country and hurt the conscience of Herat society. Some cruel people having no basic mercy against women and mothers, always commits the worst and the most heinous and inhuman acts in our society. They forgot that they are born of those mothers, whom they are violating against, while women have been valued and are of high dignity in Qur'an. These criminals do not know that inhuman and cruelty acts and behaviors against women and mothers are against the Islamic principles and human values. They harm the human values and make themselves the most hideous and disliked persons in the society. The western office of CSHRN and other human rights defenders and activists shortly after hearing this shocking news, commenced protests and indicated their abhorrence against this inhuman act. On the other hand, the reports of the western office of civil society & human rights network of Afghanistan indicate that violence and inhuman acts against women have increased in Herat province. Our studies and observations from the hospitals and meetings with the victims clearly indicate that most of the victims are suffering family violence. The Civil Society & Human Right Network of Afghanistan acknowledges that if such inhuman treatments are not prevented and its perpetrators are not punished and bring to courts, then Herat province will face a huge catastrophe against women. According to the constitution, civil code and international obligations, the Afghan government is required to protect and respect women's rights. The Convention on discrimination…

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CSHRN’s Statement regarding the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) Between Afghanistan and the United States of America

In the name of Almighty Allah CSHRN's Statement regarding the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) Between Afghanistan and the United States of America December 01, 2013 Kabul-Afghanistan The Afghan people who have learned from their painful and troublesome past and by considering the requirements and security necessities have realized the importance of the international cooperation. As per the find outs of the Civil Society which is in contact with various people of the society, most of the Afghan people are in favor of signing the security agreement between Afghanistan and the United States of America. The Messages and the outcome of the traditional loya Jirga on the strategic agreement between Afghanistan and the United States of America, and the consultative Loya Jirga on bilateral security agreement between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the United States of America are the instances of the Afghans who would like the BSA to be signed. The messages and request made during the consultative Jirga clearly indicates that the Afghan people demand strategic cooperation with the international community especially with the United States of America for securing the Human Rights, maintaining stability and economical developments. The Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) requests the government of Afghanistan to comply with this clear desire of the people of Afghanistan; that is based on the national interest. We believe that any kind of disagreement with the approval of BSA will not be beneficial for stability, security and economical development of Afghanistan. Delaying the BSA is not only against the democratic principles, but it also provides the ground for those who are looking for their own benefits in the failures of Afghanistan. CSHRN while appreciating and praising the efforts of the Afghan representatives in the Jirga, expresses its deepest concerns over the harsh…

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The input and recommendations of the Civil Society and Human Rights Organisation to the Tokyo International Conference on Afghanistan

In the name of Almighty Allah The input and recommendations of the Civil Society and Human Rights Organisation to the Tokyo International Conference on Afghanistan   Kabul - June 2012 Preamble   During the past ten years Afghanistan has gained some important achievements in the fields of social, economic and political development. Despite these achievements Afghanistan has also experienced a lot of challenges such as; Lack of security, the interference of neighbouring countries into interior affairs of Afghanistan, corruption and production and trafficking of narcotics which are the main challenges in the past ten years. The role of the international community in Afghanistan is very important. The military intervention of the international community in Afghanistan created the new opportunities for the afghan people. However the operation against terrorism in Afghanistan has resulted high number of mortality. Regardless of this fact the people of Afghanistan are aware of the importance of the role of the international community in Afghanistan. As a result of the new environment in Afghanistan the people of the country have achieved their goal of creating a new constitution which opened the door of opportunities for a new Afghanistan. According to the new constitution the democratic institutions in Afghanistan have been established, the civil society has developed rapidly, the political parties have received the opportunities to be established, the human rights movements were established and the women rights activists created their organizations to protect the rights of women in Afghanistan. The afghan media has also had a major progressive development. In the field of technology and communication the country has had massive improvements. Mine production has also witnessed a lot of progressive steps towards development. In the field of agriculture Afghanistan has also developed. The banking system has been modernized. The Afghan people have exercised four…

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CSHRN’s statement over General Dostum’s apology from the victims of wars and the people of Afghanistan

In the name of Almighty Allah CSHRN's statement over General Dostum's apology from the victims of wars and the people of Afghanistan Thursday, October 10, 2013 Kabul-Afghanistan Afghans have suffered lots of painful and bitter days especially during the last 30 years and yet suffering the huge impact of human rights violation in the country. However, not only the Afghan government did not fulfilled its commitments over implementation of «the state's action plan for peace, reconciliation and justice» besides, during the last 12 years, efforts have been made to impose the «Oblivion policy» under the name of Pardon and impunity on war victims in Afghanistan, the instance for this can be ratifying «the National Reconciliation Charter». But, acknowledging the suffering and pains of Afghan people, promotion and provision of justice for war victims have been remained unfinished in the agenda of civil society institutions and defenders of war victims. Acknowledging the pain and sufferings of the victims is respecting their human values and dignity, therefore apology of the engaged parties in the war is the first step in forming a national discourse regarding the painful past and in the bright of these facts and passion there will be an opportunity for accountability of the past incidents. The Civil Society and Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) which is consisted of 124 civil institutions, appreciates this action of General Abdul Rashid Dostum, the leader and founder of the National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan, over apologizing from the victims of wars and recalling on the other involved figures and considers this as part of the fundamental principles of transitional justice and an effective step for initiating a national discourse on the painful past and violation of human rights in Afghanistan; and would like to express the following points regarding this…

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 Awakening shock Afghanistan is a country of blood and tragedy. Different stages of its history, witnesses terrible crimes against humanity. During the last three decades, starting from the military coup of April 27, 1978, known as Sawour revolution up to the Taliban era or even so far, the country have been suffering many crimes against humanity, massacres and different kinds of destructions, through which thousands of people have lost their lives and many others, who are still under burdens of cruelty and organized crimes have been forgotten. Revealing the list of almost 5000 victims of organized murders that took place in 1978 and 1979, during Nurmahmad Taraki and Hafizullah Amin's era is an example of such crimes against humanity in the country. The list contains the names of those, who have been murdered through various allegations by AGSA, the secret police investigation department of that time. In terms of their location, the victims cover many areas of Afghanistan. Hence, releasing such a list after about 35 years put all people of the country in mourning and tragedy. There was no news about them for ages, at least now we realized that cruelty and crimes had taken their lives at the very beginning days and months when they were vanished or arrested, but many of the families of the victims were still unable to accept their deaths and were yet willing to see their love ones alive again; but these hopes were not that much high to encourage them talk about this long-term tragedy and get happy by hopping that they will return one day. The long years of crimes and inhumanity had taken away the opportunities from the hoping families of the victims to rely on their unsupported hopes. Hence, most families had kept hidden the memories and…


Civil Society Institutions’ Press Conference Statement In protest of illegal trial of Shakila’s assassination accused and other victims of violence

In the name of Almighty Allah Civil Society Institutions' Press Conference Statement In protest of illegal trial of Shakila's assassination accused and other victims of violence Aug 27th , 2013 Dear compatriots and respected governmental officials: As you all know, human rights situation, minority rights and particularly women's rights and violence against them that can be found everywhere, is getting worse day by day to wipe out the democratic and human rights achievements of the last decade. The graph of violence against women has risen astonishingly during the past two years and women have been threatened due to fear and insecurity. For instance, in the past two years, we were witnessed of some arbitrary acts by the local strongmen in connection with violence against women as stoning, ear and nose cutting, rape and countless murders that took place against women, but unfortunately not pursued by government or because of their dominance the process of prosecution, investigation and trial face with serious troubles and difficulties that as a result, the accused persons acquitted. In this regard, we can point out the two trials «Shakila» and «Sahar Gul» in both of these two cases, despite the evidence and documents that proofs the committal of crime by the accused person, but they have been acquitted by the courts in complete disbelief. Regarding the case of Shakila, a 16 year-old girl, who was killed at Sayed Hadi Behishti's house (member of Bamiyan provincial council) on Jan 27 th , 2012 in Bamiyan province. In the first session of the primary court, the judge Mr. Ataullah Mateen has sent the case back to the court claiming that the investigations are incomplete. After the case transferred to Kabul, the new investigations have been carried out by Mr. Abdulghafar, attorney for precinct 15 th of…

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CSHRN’s statement on recent terrorist attacks in Jalalabad province

In the name of Almighty Allah CSHRN's statement on recent terrorist attacks in Jalalabad province Aug 04, 2013 Kabul-Afghanistan We were informed grievingly that the city of Jalalabad has been shocked by terrorist attacks on Saturday and Monday, Aug 12 th and 13 th , 2013, and put the resident of Jalalabad province in mourning and grieve during the holy month of Ramadan and on the eve of the Eid. The first attack that took place against the Indian Consulate killed 9 civilians and injured 21 others. Most of the victims of this unforgivable crime were children and teenagers. The attack took place while the children and teenagers were studying in a nearby mosque, and as result of this brutal attack, lost their sweet lives. In the second attack, that took place in the East of Jalalabad a day later, 16 civilians including women and children were wounded. This is not the first time that such terrorist and suicide attacks occur in Afghanistan; the mentioned explosions are just a few instances of crimes against humanity that have been happening in our country and hurting the conscience of humanity. The Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) strongly condemns these unforgivable crimes and expresses its deepest abhorrence and resentments against the perpetrators of these brutal attacks. CSHRN shares grieve and pain of the victims of this tragic incident, and pray for happy soul of the victims and expresses condolence to the remaining ones. We pray for recovery and healthiness of all of our injured compatriots. We believe that, by terrorist attacks and crimes against humanity, by which they take the lives of citizens, terrorists cannot break the wills of Afghans for supporting political stability and democracy, protecting and appreciating civil life and efforts for economical development. We…

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CSHRN statement in connection with the Need of Improving Political and Economical Relations between Afghanistan and the International Community

In the name of Almighty Allah CSHRN statement in connection with the Need of Improving Political and Economical Relations between Afghanistan and the International Community July 18, 2013 Kabul-Afghanistan Our country is on the most critical evolution period of its political life. These tremendous evolutions have created an unbreakable link with the international incidents. International terrorists have changed our country into one of the most insecure regions in the world. Unfortunately, because of no required and active regional cooperation, this important political geography is still unable to reach stability and peace and bring stability to the country. The tensions resulted from such inconsistency induced conflicts and convulsions in Afghanistan and take the lives of our innocent countrymen more than ever. In such a critical situation, the relations of the Afghan government with the international community can be interpreted challenging and complex. Despite signing many strategic pacts with the world's states, a satisfactory result cannot be noticed that will pave the ground for peace and resolving the conflicts in the country. Delaying on signing the security agreement between the Afghan government and the United States of America has increased disbelieves about the consequences of the strategic pacts, while the time is passing rapidly, delaying such issues will cause disadvantages for both countries. Recently, the approach of European, American and other international media, political institutions and other friends of Afghanistan towards our country's future is changing. These new approaches can be followed by some unpleasant consequences towards the future of Afghanistan . The concept, that the Afghan leadership cannot understand the convergence and the international wills led by the United States of America in the region, has reached the public's mind of the involved countries in the destiny of Afghanistan . In such circumstance, First, Afghanistan will face political crises…

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CSHRN Statement Regarding the Presidential Election of 2014

In the name of Almighty Allah CSHRN Statement Regarding the Presidential Election of 2014 July 10th , 2013 Kabul-Afghanistan The Civil Society and Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) is deeply concerned over the incomplete frameworks of the elections and lack of necessary preparations for holding democratic and legitimate elections, while considering the sensitive political situation of Afghanistan. Maintaining political stability, continuation of international community's support from Afghanistan, maintaining political stability and achievements of the last decades depends on the presidential elections of 2014. Holding the presidential election successfully will not only guaranty developments of Afghanistan, but it will also, indicates the capacity and will of our country in strengthening and ensuring democracy and civil life to the world. Therefore, a national, democratic and legitimate election is very vital and important. CSHRN emphasizes that the legitimacy of the upcoming elections can be ensured only if held in according with law. Legislative decree or any other measures regarding elections will undermine its legitimacy. Governments' negligence and carelessness toward this critical and vital occurrence and on the other hand, spreading disbeliefs regarding elections by some circles in debates on options such as non-elections for political transition increases our concerns in this regard. While The Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan which is consisted of 112 active civil institutions across the country concerned over non-existence of legal frameworks for the elections, considers the slow process of preparations and no reaction of the government particularly, the silence of the President, Hamid Karzai, regarding some substitute ideas and plans for the elections very concerning and worrying issue, therefore, would like the involved parties to pay their attentions to the following points: 1.   Understanding that based on the first paragraph of article 64 th of the Afghan constitution, the president of…

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