Statement by CSHRN on the events in the Behsood and Dimerdad districts Of Maidan Wardak province

In the name of Almighty Allah Statement by CSHRN on the events in the Behsood and Dimerdad districts Of Maidan Wardak province Kabul , Afghanistan , 20 May 2010 Unfortunately once again Behsood and Dimirdad districts of Maidan Wardak province met armed and bloodshed conflict of Kuchis with local communities. According to received news during this conflict many people died, a lot of houses were burnt and thousands of local people displaced compulsorily. Many families including women and children were displaced and some even disappeared. This is not a new event, as already in the previous years, Kuchis (nomads) were coming to the areas when the weather got warmer and the conflict started between them and local people. Two years ago, the conflict lasted for more than two months in these two districts and many people were killed and thousands displaced from Behsood and Dimirdad. The state came up with a short term program to address the conflict, but could not find a useful long-term strategy to solve the problem. Therefore, Afghan citizens have doubts about the political willingness of the state to solve this social problem. Lowering and deterioration of trust of people toward the state creates other social problems as well as expansion of dimension of existing problem in the country. On the other hand, this type of conflict between citizens of Afghanistan is the result of a lack of governmental strategy and useful programs for national conflict resolution in the country level, but when there is armed conflict and usage of weapon, the case meets a new and complicated dimension and means. The disarmament program (DAIAG) was implemented in most parts of Afghanistan and many groups were disarmed, therefore any armed conflict and usage of weapons by some groups considered insurgency against the government and…

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Message on the upcoming Kabul Conference

In the name of Almighty Allah Message on the upcoming Kabul Conference Kabul, Afghanistan, March 2010 The Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) as umbrella structure would like to convey the message of its member organisations committed to human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Afghanistan with regard to the upcoming Kabul conference. CSHRN is devoted to the establishment of security and the building of peace in Afghanistan and raises the following points as the crucial ones to be discussed during the Kabul conference. •  To strengthen a productive dialogue between the United Nations peace making strategy and the strategies of other international actors regarding Afghanistan. •  To establish a constructive dialogue and a sustainable coordination between civil society and the state, in particular with the national security council as the responsible body for the national and international security in Afghanistan, on the establishment of security and conflict prevention. •  Justice is the main precondition for peace building. Therefore, no conditional justice should be offered in the name of reconciliation as it was lately done with the validation of the so called amnesty bill. •  To strengthen accountable mechanisms for the establishment of peace, where actors, stakes, objectives and so on are dealt with in a transparent manner. •  CSHRN asks that a professional research on the main reasons of the conflict and the best ways on how to resolve the conflict will be conducted. •  To organise a national dialogue about peace building in Afghanistan, creating thereby national legitimacy and national support for such a process. •  To strengthen the of rule of law as mechanism for reaching peace, security and stability. •  To implement human rights and international humanitarian law according to the international commitments. •  To concentrate on the realisation of economic,…

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A joint statement of Afghan Women’s Network and Civil Society Human Rights Network and on the occasion of 8th of March International women’s day

           In the name of Almighty Allah A joint statement of Afghan Women's Network and Civil Society Human Rights Network and on the occasion of 8th of March International women's day March 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------ On the occasion of 8th of March International Women's Day, the Afghan civil society organisations demand the Afghan State and international community to pay serious attention to Peace and security and find way of tackling of current violence. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The 8th of March is recognised as the International Women's day. International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. To celebrate this important day is distinguished as international advocacy for human rights of women, gender balance and social-economic and cultural security of women across the world. The Afghan women as a part of the Afghan and international community annually celebrate 8 th of March as an important day for Afghan society. During this day the Afghan women raise their voice and inputs on the role of women through civil society organisations and Afghan media. During the current year the Afghan women is practicing very difficult time. During this year the Afghan women badly suffered from lack of security and stability. Along with the security the Afghan women suffered from lack of economic and social security. Main social problems of Afghan women were the following issues: Domestic violence, rape and abuses, abduction of young girls, humiliation of women by warlords and criminals, lack of gender balance, misinterpretation of religious values concerning women and deterioration of the role of Afghan women. Lately the international and national military forces organised a series of heavy military operations where a number of civilians were killed and a big number of them were injured. The Taliban and other terrorists…

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Message of condolences

In the name of Almighty Allah Message of condolences Kabul, Afghanistan   January 2010 The Civil Society and Human Rights Network has received the very sad news of the sudden death of Mr. Rémy M. Beauregard, in Toronto, Canada. The Civil Society and Human Rights Network's member organizations hereby wish to express their deepest condolences to Mr. Beauregard's family and colleagues in R&D in Montréal, Kabul and other parts of the world. He was a friend of the Afghan human rights family and a well-kwon human rights defender. The civil Society and Human Rights Network will remember Mr. Beauregard as a remarkable friend. Despite this sad lost, the Civil Society and Human Rights Network hopes that the cooperation with R&D will continue in a constructive manner. Civil Society and Human Rights Network

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Statement regarding the prevention of killing of civilians during the Moshtarak operation in Helmand province

In the name of Almighty Allah Statement regarding the prevention of killing of civilians during the Moshtarak operation in Helmand province 16.2.2010, Kabul , Afghanistan On13 of February, the offensive against the Talibans in the south of Afghanistan started. The operation called Moshtarak is carried out by the national and international military forces and focuses on clearing the area of Talibans. This operation is launched in a time when the new US strategy starts to be implemented by the US military forces together with the other NATO members and the Afghan government. According to the national and international authorities in charge of the military, the operation will contribute to bring peace and security to the southern regions of Afghanistan. Before the operation started, the local civilians were warned so that they could leave the area and civilian casualties would be avoided. However, the question where a more secure area could be found was not answered. Subsequently, on 14 of February, the Afghan people witnessed the first casualties. 12 innocent civilians were killed during the operation. The bad news shocked the civil society organisations in Afghanistan. CSHRN would like to express its deepest sympathy for the families of the victims. The civil society in Afghanistan believes then when organising such a huge and expensive military operation, civilian programs to prevent civilian casualties have to be developed on a equal scale. Killing of innocent civilians during the operations is against the international humanitarian law, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949. The military organisations of the international community involved in the Moshtarak operation are bound by these conventions. Unfortunately, the killing of civilians has widened the gap between the Afghan people, the Afghan state and the international community. The Afghan civil society is deeply concerned about this development. To avoid…

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The statement of CSHRN concerning the new government of Afghanistan and the involvement of civil society

In the name of Almighty Allah The statement of CSHRN concerning the new government of Afghanistan and the involvement of civil society   28 th of December 2009 Kabul Afghanistan On December 19, the spokesperson of the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan announced during a press conference that the president had designated the members of his cabinet which got introduced to the National Assembly, in close consultation with civil society. This statement came as a great surprise for civil society. Before the members of the new cabinet were announced, CSHRN had sent an open analytical letter to the president of Afghanistan providing an analysis as well as recommendation with regard to the current human rights situation and civil society. CSHRN did its best to contact the office of the present in order to organise a meeting between the president and representatives of civil society for the submission of the letter and the discussion about the concerns of civil society. Unfortunately however, CSHRN had not received any response from the president. The open analytical letter was then released during a press conference broadly covered by national and international media. The civil society and human rights organisations have followed up on the process of the designation of the new cabinet. Regrettably, the inputs forwarded to the president by civil society organisations were ignored. A main illustration thereof is the lack of gender balance among the newly proposed ministers. It was mentioned in the open letter that the structures and programs of the government in the economic, social, political and cultural field suffer from a lack of proper gender equality mechanisms. Furthermore it was said that for the designation of the new cabinet, the potential role Afghan women can play has to be dealt with as priority. Women composing…

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Implementing human rights, reinforcing civil society and strengthening the rule of law provide the conditions for a capable state in Afghanistan

In the name of Almighty Allah Implementing human rights, reinforcing civil society and strengthening the rule of law provide the conditions for a capable state in Afghanistan An analytical open letter of CSHRN to the President and new government of Afghanistan December 2009 The title of the analytical letter of CSHRN contains a hopeful message to the new government of Afghanistan from civil society and human rights defenders. This letter focuses on ways on how to tackle the current problems in the field of human rights in Afghanistan. The goal of this letter is to create the understanding and the base for collaboration between the next government and the Afghan civil society in order to promote human rights and to create respect for the rule of law in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, it has to be mentioned that the role of civil society and its positive influence on the values of human rights have been limited recently. The candidates and the campaigning staff of the presidential election did not focus on human rights issues and the role of civil society in their campaigns. During the last six years, the Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) organised a number of dialogues on the human rights situation in Afghanistan . These dialogues showed that still an important gap exists between civil society and governmental institutions regarding mutual understanding and collaboration. This issue has been emphasised by CSHRN during the symposiums, conferences and seminars, where representatives of human rights NGOs as well as some state and non state actors were present. CSHRN addresses this letter to the new government and its leadership in a very difficult time for the Afghan people. It is a time, when terrorists and enemies of human rights would like to restrict the role of civil society and…

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Message of condolences of Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) due to the terrorist act to UN staff on 28th of October 2009

In the name of Almighty Allah Message of condolences of Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) due to the terrorist act to UN staff on 28th of October 2009 Kabul Afghanistan 29th October 2009 The Unite Nations has been in Afghanistan for more than 50 years. This international organisation supports and assists Afghans in the fields of economic, social, political and cultural affairs. The Afghan state joined UN on 1946 accepting UN values mentioned in its Charter. The UN system through its Security Council and Economic, Social and Cultural Council, have created many useful missions and entities in Afghanistan that play an important role for improvement of the current situation in Afghanistan. UN is a humanitarian and Peace supporting organisations. UN should not become under attack of any terror action. The civil society organisations and human rights activists in Afghanistan support the role of UN and appreciate its efforts on Peace and stability building in the country. The Civil Society and Human Rights Network condemn the attack that is against national interest of Afghanistan. CSHRN express its deepest condolences on the loss of UN staff during the incident. The Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) supports and appreciates UNAMA's role and their important effort in relation to the current situation of Afghanistan . CSHRN supports the statements of Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary-General and his Special Representative, Mr.Kai Eide, on the current situation in Afghanistan. The Civil Society and Human Rights Network

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Analytical Human Rights Symposium on the issue of Family Violence in Heart

In the name of Almighty Allah Analytical Human Rights Symposium on the issue of Family Violence in Heart 25th of May 2009 The message of analytical symposium on the issue of family violence in Herat city Family violence as a harmful phenomenon for the society is considered to be one of the main and common elements of human rights violations in Afghanistan. Family violence badly damages the social tolerance and understanding. CSHRN organized a number of dialogues amongst civil society, intellectuals and human rights activists in Herat city on how to reduce family violence in Herat. The analytical symposium showed that family violence should be tackled through a common understanding and support of civil society, the government, the international community and other stakeholders. The participants of the symposium, who were social scientists, representatives of different academic fields and intellectuals of Heart agreed on the following elements. •  The lack of useful programs and strategies on the social, economic, political and cultural activation of the role of women in the society is considered to be one of the important elements of domestic violence in the families. The representatives of the symposium called upon the international community, civil society, governmental organizations, private sector, local media and academic institutions to work together for developing useful campaigns to reduce domestic violence in Herat. •  The lack of a useful legal framework relating to family violence was another main concern during the symposium discussions. The Afghan state is committed to the principles of international human rights, but unfortunately, those principles have not been properly integrated into the national legislation. The participants of the symposium requested therefore from the Afghan legislators to work together with civil society in order to develop a new legislation that decreases family violence. •  The participants of the symposium…

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Statement of Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) Regarding the killing of Afghan Journalist Mr Sultan Manadi

In the name of Almighty Allah Statement of Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) Regarding the killing of Afghan Journalist Mr Sultan Manadi The killing of a Journalist is a threat to freedom of speech, freedom of the media and civil rights in Afghanistan 10. September 2009 On September 9th Mr. Sultan Manadi, a committed Journalist and former colleague of the Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN), was killed during a military rescue operation by foreign forces in Kondoz province of Afghanistan. Sultan Manadi and Stephen Farrell, a British national journalist, were kidnapped by Taliban militants from Essa Khel village of Chahar Dara district last Saturday. The reporters were in the district in order to ascertain information about a deadly NATO air strike that had killed about 95 people and wounded several others on Friday September 4 th. The killing of Sultan has shocked civil society, Afghan intellectuals and the human rights community in Afghanistan . Sultan's killing indicates a lack of commitment on the part of the Afghan government to its citizens who work for civil freedom, the expansion of which has been one of the main achievements in Afghanistan during the post-Taliban period. Why the Afghan government forces could not rescue Sultan is the self-evident question posed by the Afghan Civil Society, which has so far been left unanswered. In releasing this statement, CSHRN would like to emphasize the following points. - The Afghan constitution clearly emphasizes the role and responsibility of the government and President to protect Afghan citizens' human rights. Afghanistan is party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political rights. Effective protection of the human rights of Afghani citizens is the responsibility of the Afghan state. CSHRN would like to urge the Afghan government to take is human rights protection…

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