Civil Institution’s conference in Mazar-e-Sharif regarding the problems of the displaced persons of Alburz region in Balk province


In the name of Almighty Allah

Civil Institution’s conference in Mazar-e-Sharif
regarding the problems of the displaced persons of Alburz region in Balk province

The coordinating office of CSHRN in North of the country, has expressed its deepest concerns about the condition of displaced persons of Alburz region, and for not addressing their most basic problems, through holding meeting in Mazar-e-Sharif.

This meeting was attended by the representative of Civil Society, local media, a number of intellectuals, governmental organizations, head of Balkh provincial council, representatives of the Independent Human Rights Commission (IHRC) and the representatives of the international community.

In the session, the participants have initiated a comprehensive discussion for solving the problem and drawing the attention of the international community, media and civil institutions, and expressed how to get out of those problems.

Mr. Sorosh Kazimy, coordinator of the Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) in North zone, told the site of CSHRN: the participants of this session stated different views and opinion not only about the difficulties of Alburz residents, but all the social problems which exist in that region.

Kazimy added: the main points of the discussions were political, social, cultural, economical and citizen’s security. Some of the participants asked the civil society institutions to release a joint statement regarding the overall problems covering the northern part of the country, and attract attention of the local and international media for resolving the problems.

Sohrab Samanyan, one of the participants of the conference says: «due to the recent difficulties of the displaced persons in North of the country, civil institutions which cooperate with the Civil Society in North region of Afghanistan, have decided that they should have a clear message regarding this problem and draw international and local institution’s attention to it. That’s why the participants of this conference released a special statement regarding the difficulties of Alburz residents, in order to get more attention for solving the problems of water shortage, unemployment, lack of access to health and education, for the displaced persons and other residents of North zone of the country. A part of the statement is stated below.

The government of Afghanistan should draw international community’s attention by launching some national and international campaigns. It’s possible to solve the primary problems by contacting the neighboring countries, especially the central Asian countries. Civil Society institutions in North region, while expressing their concerns over the situation, ask the government of Afghanistan to take serious and practical actions in initiating this important campaign.

The local, national and international media in North zone should initiate some effective programs in respect with conducting the campaign and acquiring cooperation of the international institutions, especially those who are involved and guardian in term of humanitarian supports in Afghanistan.

Private sector, which has grown considerably in north of the country, should provide the way for initiating this campaign and acts up on its national and humanly responsibilities in solving this social and painful problem along with the coordination of governmental & international institutions.

Civil institutions should pay their serious attention for supporting and implementing such process and try their best to distribute the aids and assistance to the eligible applicants, and cooperate and supports the responsible institutions in this field.

The statement was approved by the majority.

The participants of the conference, recommended the continuation of such productive debates, and thanked the north office of the Civil Society and Human Rights Network for initiating such useful programs.

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