CSHRN’s statement over General Dostum’s apology from the victims of wars and the people of Afghanistan


In the name of Almighty Allah

CSHRN’s statement over General Dostum’s apology
from the victims of wars and the people of Afghanistan

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Afghans have suffered lots of painful and bitter days especially during the last 30 years and yet suffering the huge impact of human rights violation in the country. However, not only the Afghan government did not fulfilled its commitments over implementation of «the state’s action plan for peace, reconciliation and justice» besides, during the last 12 years, efforts have been made to impose the «Oblivion policy» under the name of Pardon and impunity on war victims in Afghanistan, the instance for this can be ratifying «the National Reconciliation Charter». But, acknowledging the suffering and pains of Afghan people, promotion and provision of justice for war victims have been remained unfinished in the agenda of civil society institutions and defenders of war victims.

Acknowledging the pain and sufferings of the victims is respecting their human values and dignity, therefore apology of the engaged parties in the war is the first step in forming a national discourse regarding the painful past and in the bright of these facts and passion there will be an opportunity for accountability of the past incidents.

The Civil Society and Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) which is consisted of 124 civil institutions, appreciates this action of General Abdul Rashid Dostum, the leader and founder of the National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan, over apologizing from the victims of wars and recalling on the other involved figures and considers this as part of the fundamental principles of transitional justice and an effective step for initiating a national discourse on the painful past and violation of human rights in Afghanistan; and would like to express the following points regarding this incident:

1-  CSHRN beliefs that confessing the pain and suffering of the Afghan people is the basic rights of the victims and a precondition to reach an agreement on opening and revealing the facts of the past and the way of addressing the heritage of the past incidents. Hence, the Afghan Civil Society asks all the other involved figures to have the courage of confessing, and apologies from the victims over the unpleasant incidents that took place during the war times in the country.

2- In our view, apologizing is a step forward and a kind of courage and responsibility towards one’s actions that have occurred during the last wars, but it’s not enough by any means. It’s not possible to remove the past painful heritage just by apologizing, or once again follow » the oblivion policy « under the name of apology. In our point of view, apologizing and expressing remorse by the involved parties, especially by the famous figures of human rights abuses, is a starting point for organizing a national discourse and reaching an agreement on tackling and addressing the heritage of human rights violation in the past and besides, it will be a specific commitment for the upcoming government.

3-  CSHRN call on all civil society organizations, human rights defender groups and victims of wars and human rights violation to keep on their struggles and efforts to achieve their goals and increase their coordination in this regard. We believe that no party can ignore your civil power in important political decisions. It’s our responsibility to use this civil power for a brighter future; a future, where possibility for the repetition of the past incident won’t be existed to the new and coming generations.

4-  The Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN), for addressing and clarifying the legacy of human right violation that have occurred extensively in Afghanistan, emphasizes on a comprehensive approach that contains; reality, confessing the pains of the victims, reconciliation, meeting the problems of the victims, reformation of the system and legal and judicial way of solving the ongoing problems. Therefore, insisting on launching a national discourse and strengthening the system, particularly strengthening the judicial and legal institutions, to enable them to work independently, impartially and effectively.

In hope of securing Peace, justice and good governance in Afghanistan!

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