Message of CSHRN regarding the Joint Policy between the National and the International Armed Forces on the Fight against Terrorism in Afghanistan


In the name of Almighty Allah

Message of CSHRN regarding the Joint Policy between the National and the International Armed Forces on the Fight against Terrorism in Afghanistan

Kabul, 21 February 2009

During the last two years, the Civil Society und Human Rights Network (CSHRN) has released statements concerning the coordination between military operations of international and national armed forces in Afghanistan. The main goal of these statements was to address necessary measures to reduce the number of victims and casualties among civilians. CSRHN has constantly asked for a better collaboration and information between the different forces.

Recently the NATO commanders together with the leadership of the Afghan army have agreed upon a policy, which states that both parties collaborate and coordinate with each other their military operations against terrorism in Afghanistan.

Both parties agreed that for conducting a successful operation, a dialogue with the local authorities and representatives of the population in the area of action is necessary. The reasons and the need for the operations have to be explained to the people of these districts.

CSHRN welcomes and encourages such an agreement between the international and the national armed forces. CSRHN asks both parties to implement the agreement and to strengthen the communication with the Afghan people in order to inform them about the role, the duty and the tasks of both forces.

CSHRN believes that to create a useful dialogue will help the Afghan people to understand the role of the international community, in particular the one of the NATO, in Afghanistan. The dialogue and the implementation of the agreement will also reduce the number of violations of international humanitarian law and strengthen the respect for the fundamental principles of human rights.

Civil Society and Human Rights Network

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