Statement of Civil Society and Human Rights Network on the Afghanistan agreement in Lisbon


In the name of Almighty Allah

Statement of Civil Society and Human Rights Network
on the Afghanistan agreement in Lisbon

Kabul – Afghanistan

NATO leaders, the leaders of a number of NATO partner countries and representatives of some international civil society organizations, including the UN high commissioner, met the 19th and 20 th of November 2010 in Lisbon to discuss the relevant issues of Afghanistan.

A resolution was signed between the Afghanistan state and NATO. According to the resolution, the procedure of security transition to Afghan national forces starts in the beginning of 2011 and last to the end of 2014.

From the perspective of Civil Society and Human Rights Network the Lisbon meeting is an important event with regards to the fight against terrorism in Afghanistan.

The meeting shows a change in the decisions of the international community, particularly NATO and the United States of America , regarding Afghanistan.

Undoubtedly, the people of Afghanistan and civil society alike all want Afghan national forces to be capable of defending terrorism independently and shoulder all security responsibility of the country. But any decision must meet the reality and the context of Afghanistan . Quick decisions and lack of transparency regarding the content of the transition of security responsibilities is of great concern to the Afghan people and the member organizations of Civil Society and Human Rights Network.

The international community for the sake of vital political decisions should not lie solely on state but also on civil society and public prospective.

The Afghan Civil Society and Human Rights Network once again stresses, that the security and stability in Afghanistan not only concerns the rights and demands of Afghans, but it is also a need of the international community in securing their communities. To provide peace, stability and development in Afghanistan a long term support and cooperation of the international community is tangible and required.

The transfer of security and the evacuation of international forces have raised many questions and concerns. This is due to the fact that frequent security threats against national forces are on the rise and on account of the national forces suffering from poor equipment and military training system as well as corruption and political instability.

The Afghanistan Civil Society and Human Rights Network believe that any quick and imprudent decision will turn Afghanistan toward insecurity and therefore Civil Society and Human Rights Network presents the following recommendations:

1- The Afghan government, in terms of security policies and programs particularly in relation to the new agreements in Lisbon , should provide access to information facilities for the citizens and civil society organizations. We are worried that the evacuation of foreign troops from Afghanistan leads the country toward social crisis and changes to the advantage of the terrorists.

2- The Afghanistan crisis has internal, external, regional and global consequences. Afghanistan Civil Society and Human Rights Network ask that NATO, the United States of America and the European Union, during the process of transferring the responsibility, concentrate on building the capability of the national forces to face the regional threats. Compared to the regional threats, four years is a short time to build the capacity of national forces and transfer the security responsibilities.

We believe that besides equipping and training the security forces, an improvement and strengthening of good governance and the democratic system is needed. There is a long way towards reaching these goals, therefore a quick decision will have negative impact on all the achievements of the past nine years and that will affect the security of the international community as well.

3- The solution of the Afghanistan crisis is linked to the position of neighbouring countries. Afghanistan Civil Society and Human Rights Network believes that constructive dialogue and in some cases international pressure on states can have a deep impact on the stability and peace building in the country. Afghanistan Civil Society and Human Rights Network ask the UN Security Council and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to take necessary measures in this regard.

4- Since solving the Afghanistan crisis not only depends on seize fire, but rather requires sustainable peace building programs, Afghanistan Civil Society and Human Rights Network ask the international community to support the economic, social and cultural rights structure and to pay more attention to the state building process in Afghanistan.

5- Supporting human rights is part of the obligations of the international community. These values are securing while Afghanistan could benefit from the privileges of an active civil society besides the government. Solving problems in Afghanistan in absence of a civil society seems illogical. Afghanistan Civil Society and Human Rights Network asks the international community to put human rights, civil society and democratic values as the most important components on their agenda in Afghanistan.

6- Afghanistan Civil Society and Human Rights Network asks the United Nations to play its role in securing Afghanistan peace, stability, human rights and democracy based o n the United Nations Charter, and the role of the United Nations in securing global peace and security.

Since the UN Security Council resolution legitimates the presence of international forces in Afghanistan the termination of this mission needs the same requirements through the United Nations channel.

7- Afghanistan Civil Society and Human Rights Network calls to the parliament of Afghanistan to carefully review the agreement including the security policy. And for the sake of making a better security policy, host country wide public discussions and negotiations with civil society.

8- Afghanistan Civil Society and Human Rights Network call for the civil society, the mass media, the political elites, the military, the provincial councils and the citizens to play their roles by conducting constructive debates regarding the presence and evacuation of the international troops. And by focusing on the regional security challenges form the basis of influencing policy shaping and decision making at the international level.

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