The Civil Society and Human Rights Organization East Zone Office A statement on the occasion of civilian causalities in Kunar and Nengarhar provinces


In the name of Almighty Allah

The Civil Society and Human Rights Organization East Zone Office
A statement on the occasion of civilian causalities in Kunar and Nengarhar provinces


Nangarhar- Afghanistan

Recently our innocent people once again experienced the killing of civilians by NATO and Taliban forces during military operation in Kunar and Nengarhar provinces. Unfortunately most of the victims of this harmful incident were children and women who did not have any relationship to the military and any political movements. This is not the first time that the arm forces are overwhelming the international and national laws in Afghanistan .

The Civil Society and Human Rights Organization have condemned these brutal operations by issuing on time messages and statements. These messages and statements frequently targeted Afghanistan state and international partners, who are supporting Afghanistan state in fighting against international terrorism to take serous measure for legal prosecution of perpetrator of these brutal operations. But unfortunately these atrocious maneuvers are repeating frequently.

The Civil Society and Human Rights Organization East Zone office as a coordination umbrella of civil society organizations in east zone, followed closely this bloodshed operation and strongly condemn it and states these following points;

  • We express our deep grievance and condolence on this harmful operation and pray for God to bless the victims and give patience to the successors and family member of the victims.
  • We ask the international troops, fighting against terrorism to prosecute the process of this operation and share their findings with Afghanistan people.
  • We ask the Afghanistan state to ask the international troops to respect international laws during the military operations and prevent civilian causalities and killing of innocent people.
  • We ask the NATO to send a delegation to the field and take necessary measures for immediate actions for the victim families.
  • We ask the NATO that as soon as possible based on the humanitarian law take measures for compensation of affected families
  • We ask the NATO to apology and make the ground for constructive dialogue with local people especially the victims of this brutal operation
  • We ask all conflicting parties that do not use the home and shelter of civilians for the sake of their protection as a shield and avoid from this inhuman acts which endanger the life of women and children

The Civil Society and Human Rights Organization in East Zone with coordination of its member and partner organizations ask the, Governors of Kunar, Laghman, Nuristan provinces, UNAMA in east zone and provincial council of these provinces to keep contact with civic and military bases of NATO and share our deep concern in this connection with them.  

The Civil Society and Human Rights Organization in East zone office.

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