Conference on the Prospects of Afghan HRDs held in Berlin, Germany on 10th of December 2023 which also coincided with International Human Rights Day and the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

On 10th of December 2023, a conference titled “Series of Strategic Dialogue of Afghan HRDs: First Round in Berlin on the Prospects Afghan HRDs” was held in Berlin, Germany. The event was organized by Human Rights Defenders Plus (HRD+) with the support of Yaar e. V. Organization, World Organization against Torture (OMCT) and Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN).

Seventy prominent human rights defenders from Afghanistan, gethring from various countries were invited to this conference. The event was focused on examining the current state of human rights in Afghanistan and to provide solution oriented discussion on the issues.

In the opening remarks Zia Mobbalegh Director of Yaar e. V. Organization and Steering Committee member of HRD+ welcomed the participants, explained the conference and explained the why it is important to keep the human rights agenda alive.

Rechard Benneth UN Special Rappourtuer on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan addressed the importance of the event and responded to the questions, what have been done so far. What has changed if any. Has the narrative of UN/International community changed after two years. What are some of his plans. And finally, how Afghan HRDs can help the situation.

The conference was followed with a panel discussion on four themes providing information on:

  • Future of Human Rights-Oriented Organizations in Afghanistan;
  • Human Rights Defenders and UN HR Mechanisms (SR, Treaty Bodies, UPR);
  • International Support and the Role of International Watchdogs; and,
  • Role of HRDs in promotion and protection of human rights using media and Social Media

The conference participants were devided into four groups discussing the themetic areas and leading questions were:

Group 1

  • to Discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by human rights organizations operating within Afghanistan.
  • Identify strategies for sustaining and adapting human rights efforts in the current context.

Group 2

  • Where HRDs stand with UN human rights system?

  • Possible avenues for contribution and cooperation with UN entities.

Group 3

  • Analyze the role of international organizations, and watchdogs in supporting human rights in Afghanistan.

  • Develop recommendations for enhancing international support and collaboration.

Group 4

  • How HRDs can effectively communicate their human rights messages?
  • Recommendations and strategies for effective use of media and social media.

Each group identified a representative to share the findings and conclusion of their group in the second panel.

The conclusion of the conference was provided by Dr. Malek Sitez the Chairperson of Steering Committee of HRD+. He also thanked the team and co-organizers of the event.