The summery of CSHRN report to the 6th General Assembly

By Naim Nazari

Dear colleagues, participants of the sixth General Assembly of CSHRN!

First of all I would like to welcome you to this important gathering. A year and four months ago the fifth General Assembly of CSHRN was conducted. During this period, CSHRN organized some useful and comprehensive programs in Kabul and provinces of Report01-24Afghanistan. These programs brought us to some important achievements as well as some challenges.

The secretariat of CSHRN, as executive machine of CSHRN would like to present some important activities to the respectful members of the current General Assembly.

In the field of coordination:

During the last year CSHRN expended its cooperation and collaboration with some national and international organization. I would like to mention some important issues as flowing;

•  During the last year the office of CSHRN was opened officially in Bamyan province in the central region of Afghanistan . The office of Bamyan raptly recognized as an important address for human rights activist and civil society partners.

•  During the last year all structures of CSHRN were democracy elected in Kabul as well as in the regions.

•  During this period the secretariat of CSHRN organized meetings with 284 national and international organizations. During these meetings the executive secretariat explained the strategy, goals and programs of CSHRN to the international and national partners.

Report01-24-2•  In between fifth and sixth General Assembly representatives of CSHRN conducted 11 international missions. CSHRN missions celebrated with the civil society organizations of Nepal, India, the Netherlands, the Great Brighten, Italy and Tajikistan.

•  CSHRN prepared and signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission and Afghanistan Civil Society Forum. These MoU support CSHRN to understand its own and its partners mandate and filed of activities.

In the field of Capacity Building:

During the last year CSHRN played an important role and building of capacity of its member organizations in Kabul as well in the provinces. These capacity building programs were conducted in a constructive support of 20 international expert and 67 national experts.

•  During last year 110 Seminars and workshops about human rights values, conflict transformation and resolution, transitional justice, advocacy and managerial issues were conducted in Kabul and the regions by CSHRN offices.

Report01-24-1•  During this period the Educational Manual on Conflict Transformation and resolution was developed by the working group of national and international expert. According to this manual a human rights summer school was conducted and based of the manual capacity building programs in Kabul and regions organized.

•  The Cultural Network amongst young students was organized within the structure of CSHRN. This network worked actively with Kabul , Heart, Balkh , Bamyan and Jalalabad universities. The Youth Network organized 68 dialogues amongst students of the mentioned universities about their cultural rights. During the dialogue and debate 1450 young students discussed actively their problems about culture in Afghanistan .

•  The Kabul Provincial Counsel and the Human Rights and Gender Section of MIO were trained by CSHRN.

•  In cooperation with Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs a number of capacity building program about the labor law was conducted in Kabul as well as in the regions.

In the filed of Advocacy:

•  The initial draft of Access to Information law is prepared. Soon the Committee of Experts will be organized to finalize the draft law.

•  The campaign of reduction of family violence in Heart was conducted. Soon the next step will be taken.

•  During this period 25 statements and massages about hot human rights issue in Afghanistan were realized by the statement committee of CSHRN. The statement were used by the national and international media. The statements and messages of CSHRN had useful impact to national and international actors.

•  During this period six issue of Angaara Magazine was realized and 62

especial human rights pages were realized by Killid Weekly Magazine. CSHRN collaborate with five radio channels to produce radio programs about human rights values. According to this collaboration 162 radio programs were aired about human rights, democracy, role of law, humanitarian law in Afghanistan .

•  During the last year the CSHRN homepage expended its activities in Pashto language. During this time the articles, debates, interview and radio program were used by

Report01-24-3•  During the last year 7 pres conference were organized by the Statement Committee of CSHRN and 50 radio and TV round-tables about human rights situation were organized by CSHRN

•  The CSHRN received membership to the High Council of Media in Afghanistan.

•  The Network received membership of commission to monitor the implementation of labor law.

•  The Network actively participated in peace Jirga and important events such consultative meetings about Kabul Conference.

Dear colleagues,

Last year, was a difficult year for human rights defenders and activists. In some part of Afghanistan the human rights defenders and activists were tortured and badly treated by warlords and some times by police. Some of these victims were killed.

During the last year the Network could not do some of its important programs. We could not work with the Educational Manual on the Rights of the Children. We hope to do it in the future.

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