A Message for the Presence of Women in the Negotiations To the Taliban; Women are not the Second Sex
A number of women's rights activists believe that the presence of female representatives in peace talks could send a message to the Taliban that women, as half of the country's population, have equal rights as men in all areas.As one of the Taliban's main problems is the issue of women's rights, the presence of women representatives in peace talks and their direct dialogue with the Taliban team is a major and effective step in understanding women's demands and conveying their message to the Taliban. "The Taliban said in conversations that they recognize Islamic rights for women. When all applicable laws and the constitution of the country are derived from Islam, what do they mean by Islamic rights?" This shows that the Taliban have not yet accepted the presence of women as a social reality and insist to consider them as the second sex. "The presence of women representatives in peace talks is a sign for the Taliban to know that we are not the second sex, that we are citizens of Afghanistan, that we are educated and working, and that we are advocating for women's rights in dialogue." Said Mrs. Ghori.CSHRN: Given the Taliban’s view of women, do you think that the peace negotiations will have a positive outcome?Ghori: In my opinion, the negotiations have not been accepted by the people so far, and apparently the government has shown great flexibility against the Taliban. However, as a victim of war whose mother was killed by the Taliban, I am glad to hear at least that th deprivation of Afghan people and women in particular isdelivered to the Taliban. Today’s Afghan women are different than Afghan women twenty years ago. Now, women have right to and access to education as well asemployment. We have female judges, prosecutors, teachers, and…