Joint statement of CSHRN & Nai supporting Afghanistan’s Open Media On the approval of the Law on Access to Information

In the name of Almighty Allah Joint statement of CSHRN & Nai supporting Afghanistan's Open Media On the approval of the Law on Access to Information July 02. 2014 Kabul Afghanistan The Afghan parliament approved the Law on Access to Information containing 6 chapters and 32 articles with the majority of votes on Monday, 30th of June.2014. The law on access to information was under the review of the governmental agencies for almost three years, and about two months ago, it was sent to the house of the people for approval. The main discussion on the law on access to information as one of the main human rights of the citizens was conducted by CSHRN for the first time in 2005, and then its first draft was prepared by one of CSHRN's working group in Mazar-e-Sharif. The mentioned draft law was completed after the continuous and non-tiring efforts of CSHRN and its member organizations, Nai Supporting Afghanistan Open Media, civil activists, journalists and extensive national consultations across the country. After its completion, the draft law was sent to the national assembly after extensive and deep review and assessment by the ministry of culture and information, ministry of justice, council of ministers and the high council of media to be approved. We consider the approval of the law on Access to Information by the national assembly a significant step in promoting transparency and accountability and effectiveness of development programs in Afghanistan. The Law will provide great opportunities and pave the way for fighting corruption and strengthening the role of media in providing information. Nai supporting Afghanistan open media and Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) beside thanking and praising the Afghan lower house for passing the mentioned law, states the bellow point in connection to that:…

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Joint statement of CSHRN & Nai supporting open media in Afghanistan Regarding the law of access to information

In the name of Almighty Allah Joint statement of CSHRN & Nai supporting open media in Afghanistan Regarding the law of access to information January 13, 2014 Kabul Afghanistan Access to information is one of the main backgrounds of forming knowledgeable and responsible citizens and democratic political institutions and organizations. The law of access to information strengthens the role of the citizens in state and nation-building and provides the ground for legacy of the political system. The Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan which is comprised of 129 member organizations, prepared the first draft of the law on access to information in constructive coordination and partnership with civil society institutions, experts and human rights activists, and carried out an extensive research and discussion about that in three analytical symposiums. On the other hand, the draft law was observed and evaluated by academic and civil society organizations, media and other stakeholders. Last year, ministry of information and culture expressed its interest on the draft law of access to information and supported its approval. Based on the commitment of ministry of information and culture, a joint committee of evaluating and researching the draft law was created to comprehensively reevaluate the mentioned draft law. The High Media Council also announced its support from the approval of the law on access to information and asked the government to actively pursue the process of ratifying the draft law. The draft law on access to information has been presented to ministry of justice of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan by CSHRN and the ministry of information & culture. The scheme was welcomed by civil society, political institutions, and Nai supporting open media in Afghanistan, Afghanistan's National Journalists Union (ANJU), transparency watch of Afghanistan and the media of the country continuously advocate speeding up…

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CSHRN statement About the increasing violence against women in Herat province

In the name of Almighty Allah CSHRN statement About the increasing violence against women in Herat province December 19, 2013 Herat-Afghanistan The western Herat province of Afghanistan has recently been witnessed of heinous and inhuman acts against women. The incident happened with Sitara; a young lady has shocked all the people across the country and hurt the conscience of Herat society. Some cruel people having no basic mercy against women and mothers, always commits the worst and the most heinous and inhuman acts in our society. They forgot that they are born of those mothers, whom they are violating against, while women have been valued and are of high dignity in Qur'an. These criminals do not know that inhuman and cruelty acts and behaviors against women and mothers are against the Islamic principles and human values. They harm the human values and make themselves the most hideous and disliked persons in the society. The western office of CSHRN and other human rights defenders and activists shortly after hearing this shocking news, commenced protests and indicated their abhorrence against this inhuman act. On the other hand, the reports of the western office of civil society & human rights network of Afghanistan indicate that violence and inhuman acts against women have increased in Herat province. Our studies and observations from the hospitals and meetings with the victims clearly indicate that most of the victims are suffering family violence. The Civil Society & Human Right Network of Afghanistan acknowledges that if such inhuman treatments are not prevented and its perpetrators are not punished and bring to courts, then Herat province will face a huge catastrophe against women. According to the constitution, civil code and international obligations, the Afghan government is required to protect and respect women's rights. The Convention on discrimination…

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CSHRN’s Statement regarding the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) Between Afghanistan and the United States of America

In the name of Almighty Allah CSHRN's Statement regarding the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) Between Afghanistan and the United States of America December 01, 2013 Kabul-Afghanistan The Afghan people who have learned from their painful and troublesome past and by considering the requirements and security necessities have realized the importance of the international cooperation. As per the find outs of the Civil Society which is in contact with various people of the society, most of the Afghan people are in favor of signing the security agreement between Afghanistan and the United States of America. The Messages and the outcome of the traditional loya Jirga on the strategic agreement between Afghanistan and the United States of America, and the consultative Loya Jirga on bilateral security agreement between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the United States of America are the instances of the Afghans who would like the BSA to be signed. The messages and request made during the consultative Jirga clearly indicates that the Afghan people demand strategic cooperation with the international community especially with the United States of America for securing the Human Rights, maintaining stability and economical developments. The Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) requests the government of Afghanistan to comply with this clear desire of the people of Afghanistan; that is based on the national interest. We believe that any kind of disagreement with the approval of BSA will not be beneficial for stability, security and economical development of Afghanistan. Delaying the BSA is not only against the democratic principles, but it also provides the ground for those who are looking for their own benefits in the failures of Afghanistan. CSHRN while appreciating and praising the efforts of the Afghan representatives in the Jirga, expresses its deepest concerns over the harsh…

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CSHRN’s Press Conference statement Over Violation of National and International Rights of Children and Increasing of street-children

In the name of Almighty Allah CSHRN's Press Conference statement Over Violation of National and International Rights of Children and Increasing of street-children Wednesday, Sep 04, 2013 Kabul-Afghanistan More than a decade had passed since the establishment of the new Islamic republic government of Afghanistan. According to the constitution, the government should be committed to its national and international obligations and Universal Declaration of Human Rights and implement them. The state is obliged to avoid any injustice, law-breaking and cruelty acts in the country. Along with all the social problems that had not been resolved yet, increasing of street-children and drug addict is another shocking warning to the government, international community and the civil society institutions, while millions of dollars have spent by the name securing children's rights. Street children refer to children who are under 18 and for their survival obliged to do hard labor or live on the streets. Worker and Street children are the first victims of the injustice of this system. They have not been benefited from their basic rights which have been mentioned in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Declaration on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Factors as corruption, poverty, violence, illiteracy, cultural poverty, homeless, seasonal unemployment, insufficient income, addiction, irresponsible parents, absence of children guardian, running away from home, parents and teachers poor teaching, the media and misuse of the religious beliefs are the factors of increasing the working and street children and the reason that today we have more than two million working and street children and more than three hundred thousand addicts in the country. Street children are facing disrespect, threat, violence, harassment, encouragement for using drugs, employment in poppy…

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The Angaara Magazine is a bi-monthly magazine for persons dealing professionally with human rights. The magazine offers in depth articles and interviews on current human rights issues in Afghanistan. It is at present published in 5000 copies and is distributed directly through CSHRN. Thanks to the distribution via the regional offices of CSRHN in Herat, Mazar-e-Sharif and Jalalabad, it reaches also rather remote areas. The Angaara Magazine is used by universities as part of their teaching and studying material, by groups of intellectuals as base for discussions and by the parliament and the Afghan administration as a base of knowledge. ……………………………………………… Read The PDF

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Training Manual of Election

In the name of almighty Allah Training Manual of Election Preamble Election or the votes of people for electing a president, representatives of people in parliament or a leader of a political party or other institutions is one of the principles of democracy. With the passage of time, and expansion of human relationships and thoughts, elections has been associated with many increases and decreases and maybe some alterations, but anyhow the main purpose of elections is the votesand opinions of people in politics and political leadership of a society. Elections is a mechanism that enables all the eligible generation of a society to decide on their own future by participating in the process of electing political leaders for the society. Elections mechanism is different considering the cultural and intellectual condition of a society. Most often, it's managed by an independent body called Independent Election Commission or Election Committee. The role of the government in the election process is interpreted as the facilitator of the condition for the process of the elections and providing security, and does not have the right to interfere in the electoral process. Understanding and recognizing elections and itsimportance requires intellectual maturity and organizing appropriate training and awareness programs, and delivering it through the mass media and also distribution of Guidelines and Handbooks that will help and enable the public people to realize the importance of elections and their votes for determining an appropriate leader for a peaceful and stable political future of the society. The “Training Manual of Election” has been prepared in six chapters to increase the awareness of the people regarding elections and its importance. Reading the training manual accurately and carefully will provide the readers necessary information regarding the importance of elections, election conditions and requirements, responsibilities and mechanisms of elections.…

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The input and recommendations of the Civil Society and Human Rights Organisation to the Tokyo International Conference on Afghanistan

In the name of Almighty Allah The input and recommendations of the Civil Society and Human Rights Organisation to the Tokyo International Conference on Afghanistan   Kabul - June 2012 Preamble   During the past ten years Afghanistan has gained some important achievements in the fields of social, economic and political development. Despite these achievements Afghanistan has also experienced a lot of challenges such as; Lack of security, the interference of neighbouring countries into interior affairs of Afghanistan, corruption and production and trafficking of narcotics which are the main challenges in the past ten years. The role of the international community in Afghanistan is very important. The military intervention of the international community in Afghanistan created the new opportunities for the afghan people. However the operation against terrorism in Afghanistan has resulted high number of mortality. Regardless of this fact the people of Afghanistan are aware of the importance of the role of the international community in Afghanistan. As a result of the new environment in Afghanistan the people of the country have achieved their goal of creating a new constitution which opened the door of opportunities for a new Afghanistan. According to the new constitution the democratic institutions in Afghanistan have been established, the civil society has developed rapidly, the political parties have received the opportunities to be established, the human rights movements were established and the women rights activists created their organizations to protect the rights of women in Afghanistan. The afghan media has also had a major progressive development. In the field of technology and communication the country has had massive improvements. Mine production has also witnessed a lot of progressive steps towards development. In the field of agriculture Afghanistan has also developed. The banking system has been modernized. The Afghan people have exercised four…

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Active presence of the civil society & human rights network of Afghanistan «In Afghanistan International Conference in Bonn»

Bonn conference which gained great importance in current situation, defines the role of international community in betterment of security and support of Afghanistan after 2014. This conference which was held in Bonn city of Germany with the huge participation of international community, acquired international coverage, the conference also acquired a lot of significance for the people of Afghanistan . The most important message of this conference is the commitment of the international community for the future of Afghanistan . In this conference, the government of the United States of America , European Union member countries, India Japan, Canada , Australia and all of the engaged countries in reconstruction and security of Afghanistan sent their authorized representatives, expressed their continued commitment of supporting the new system, keeping the values of the democracy, respecting the human rights and the rule of law. Mrs. Hillary Clinton, minister of foreign affairs of the United States of America, expressed her government's support from Afghanistan and insisted on strengthening the civil society, respect for the values of human rights & democracy in her five minutes speeches in this conference. Mrs. Merkel, prime minister of Germany, on behalf of her government as well as on behalf of the European Union called the respect of the human rights, one of the significant preconditions of the states of this Union for supporting Afghanistan . Other participant countries focused on a legal system, based on Afghanistan constitution that reveals the importance of the conference for the people of Afghanistan. Civil society congregation was held one day before this conference in Bonn, 34 representatives of civil society who were democratically elected by the civil society organizations of the country has participated in this conference. In civil society congregation in Bonn , 10 members of Civil Society & Human Rights…

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Peace, the bright pattern of «Angaara» magazine

The secretariat of the Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) is pleased to announce that the new volume of «Angaara» magazine has been published. Peace and respect to social security constitute one of the important strategic components of CSHRN. According to CSHRN, peace is a proper and fair way for securing, promoting and defending the Human Rights values, democracy and the rule of law. Meanwhile, peace cannot be separated or kept away from the social justice. CSHRN considered the securement of Human Rights as one the most crucial and significant backgrounds for generalizing peace in Afghanistan. Respecting the women's rights constitutes one these values. Hence, Angaara has initiated peace discourses as the most obvious social demands of Afghans in its new version. The new version of «Angaara» has been dedicated to peace and its challenges in Afghanistan as well as its role on the international security. The working group of «Angaara» magazine has tried their best to professionally discuss the factors of the continues wars and conflicts from various angles as political, juridical and sociological point of views. The aim of publishing the dedicated version, is advocating for peace and stability in the country. In this volume, the national and international writers, analysts and researchers have expressed their ideas and topics regarding peace, that have been discussed slightly by other institutions and media in the country. Rahnaward Zaryab, a famous Afghan writer has provided a very precious article about the values of peace in the Persian Literature. In this issue, a commendable interview was done with Mr. Ahmad Rasheed, a well known Pakistani journalist and analyst, regarding the peace situation in the region and the role of its players. Dr. Sima Samar, head of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHC) and one of Human…

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