Message of CSHRN regarding the Joint Policy between the National and the International Armed Forces on the Fight against Terrorism in Afghanistan

In the name of Almighty Allah Message of CSHRN regarding the Joint Policy between the National and the International Armed Forces on the Fight against Terrorism in Afghanistan Kabul, 21 February 2009 During the last two years, the Civil Society und Human Rights Network (CSHRN) has released statements concerning the coordination between military operations of international and national armed forces in Afghanistan. The main goal of these statements was to address necessary measures to reduce the number of victims and casualties among civilians. CSRHN has constantly asked for a better collaboration and information between the different forces. Recently the NATO commanders together with the leadership of the Afghan army have agreed upon a policy, which states that both parties collaborate and coordinate with each other their military operations against terrorism in Afghanistan. Both parties agreed that for conducting a successful operation, a dialogue with the local authorities and representatives of the population in the area of action is necessary. The reasons and the need for the operations have to be explained to the people of these districts. CSHRN welcomes and encourages such an agreement between the international and the national armed forces. CSRHN asks both parties to implement the agreement and to strengthen the communication with the Afghan people in order to inform them about the role, the duty and the tasks of both forces. CSHRN believes that to create a useful dialogue will help the Afghan people to understand the role of the international community, in particular the one of the NATO, in Afghanistan. The dialogue and the implementation of the agreement will also reduce the number of violations of international humanitarian law and strengthen the respect for the fundamental principles of human rights. Civil Society and Human Rights Network

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The statement of CSHRN about the adoption and signature of the “The Private Life of Shias” by the president

In the name of Almighty Allah The statement of CSHRN about the adoption and signature of the “The Private Life of Shias” by the president (Translated from the Statement in Dari) 03 April 2009 Kabul, Afghanistan Recently, the parliament of Afghanistan, the Shura e Meli, adopted a new legislation on “The private (family) life of Shias”. This legislation was signed by Hamid Karzai, the president of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. To draft, adopt and sign such a legislation, created a broad national and international reaction. The adoption of this law resulted in civil society, human rights activists, Afghan intellectuals and Afghan persons influential on the public opinion expressing major concerns regarding the implementation of this legislation. •  Adopting and signing this legislation is against the values of the Holy Islam as well as against the international principles of human rights. The values anchored there deeply respect the important role of women and mothers in society. •  Adopting and signing this document is to impair the weak body of the rule of law in Afghanistan, because the rule of law is based on social and public reality, the priority of human values, the common will, sustainable reforms and respect for the constitution. •  Adopting and signing this document is against the international commitments the Afghan state has assumed with regard to international human rights including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women. The adoption of this new law took place after the Afghan government had committed itself to the principles of human rights in the Universal Periodic Review report submitted to the UN Human Rights Council. •  Adopting this legislation is a blow against the role of the parliament in Afghanistan because the adoption…

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Training Manual on International Human Rights Mechanisms

The government, as a member of the United Nations, is committed to the values ​​of the world organization and is continuously linked to the treaty and numerous UN conventions on human rights, but unfortunately as reported, these values to UN human rights structures has seen a lot ​​ challenges and difficulties. At the same time, Afghanistan government has seen the greatest transgressions of human rights in particular in the past thirty years. Lack of awareness of international human rights mechanisms and structures have been the cause for the victims of human rights violations to be unable to raise their voices about their legal difficulties outside the boundaries of Afghanistan and to the international organizations. Civil Society Institute and the Afghan Human Rights believes that the “Training Manual on International Human Rights Mechanisms ", provides the groundwork for the structure and working methods of the international human rights system. For the development of this handbook, the Civil Society and Human Rights Network, held a consultative meeting with their member organizations. In this meeting, the basic training program about the determinants of international human rights organization, were offered to member organizations. Then members of civil society and human rights organizations, identified the structure of the handbook and discuss the main components that need to be addressed in this handbook. In this meeting, the working group presented the first draft manual. Working Group in close cooperation with the Secretariat of the Civil Society and Human Rights Organization and the Danish Human Rights Organization expertise has provided the first draft manual and shared with network’s member organizations. Civil Society Secretariat and the Afghan Human Rights Organization, undertake the coordination of the manual programs. the first draft will be presented in the second consultative meeting of ‘’Training Manual on International Human Rights Mechanisms’’, which is scheduled to be held in…

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Recommendations of the Afghan civil society at the “The Hague Conference”

In the name of Almighty Allah Recommendations of the Afghan civil society at the “The Hague Conference” 31st March, 2009 The Hague – Netherlands Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Allow me to express our warm gratitute and thanks for the inclusion of the NGO community and civil society in Afghanistan. It is a great honor to be part of this important conference and we expect that the presence of civil society remains an ongoing mechanism in the future. As a result of a broad range of consultations among civil society and the NGO community, we have come up with the following recommendations for the International Conference on Afghanistan in The Hague about strategies for solidifying the peace process, which are grounded on the fundamental principles and values: 1. The concept of “Afghans in the lead” must shift from a mere rhetoric to a genuine principle guiding the strategic discussions on Afghanistan's future. A broad range of Afghan actors, including civil society, must be part of these discussions. 2. While Afghans support a broad based and inclusive dialog and reconciliation efforts, these processes must be grounded in a non-negotiable position of respect and must be according to the Afghan Constitution and the fundamental values enshrined in it, including respect for human rights, women's rights, the rule of law and the principles of democratic governance. Democratic principles, for which Afghans have sacrificed their lives and which they championed for the last century, cannot be negotiated away by the Afghan government and the international community under the guise of peace and security. Key Recommendations In the field of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) The Afghan Government and the international community must prioritize and take all necessary measures to minimize civilian casualties and to institutionalize mechanisms of accountability, transparency and systems of reparations…

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CSHRN viewpoint regarding Human Rights Situation in Afghanistan

In the name of Almighty Allah CSHRN viewpoint regarding Human Rights Situation in Afghanistan For Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Of Human Rights status in Afghanistan to the United Nations Islam is a holly religion. But Islamic extremists introduce human rights against the religion and misuse the beliefs of the people, for their own goals. Unfortunately, the lack of constructive dialogue between religious leaders and human rights activists, has led to such misunderstandings. Conclusion: The Civil Society should acquire more & more supports from the international community, to play an important role in various social fields, as promoting and generalizing Human Rights in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, Afghan government does not consider the role of the Civil Society as significant as it should be, and it is believed that the Civil Society will remain as an informal and abstracted element. This role needs to be activated. The support of the international community and government's respect toward the Civil Society can play an important role in activating the role of the Civil Society. Afghanistan needs a government committed to Human Rights values, those, who are not observing the human rights values, should not be appointed in key positions of the government. Unfortunately, we should confess that the presence of the figures who are not respecting the Human rights values, in the leadership of the government will seriously affect the Human Rights in the country. Establishing a constructive and useful dialogue between the government and the civil society can play an important role in popularizing and promoting the Human rights. The Civil Society can serve like a bridge between the citizens and the government and exchange their demands. The Civil Society of Afghanistan, expect the international community to continue its wide support for the human rights values in Afghanistan. The Civil Society of…

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Ms. Wazhma Frogh acquired the best award of USA and ranked among the eight brave women of the world

In the name of Almighty Allah Ms. Wazhma Frogh acquired the best award of USA and ranked among the eight brave women of the world Ms. Wazhma the cooperator of the Civil Society and Human Rights Network of Afghanistan, and one of the a defenders of women's rights in Afghanistan, was granted the best prize of the United States of America as a courageous woman. The award which was given to top eight brave women of the world was aimed encouraging and persuading human rights defender women. The ceremony which was conducted for the occasion, on the thirteenth of March, in Washington DC, capital of the United States of America, Mrs. Michelle Obama, the First Lady of the United States of America, talked about the importance of the awards, called it one of the best examples of commitments and appreciation of America's government toward the human rights values. Mrs. Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State of the United States of America also participated in this event. She spoke on the role of the United States , particularly the role of the new government of Barack Obama, in respect to women's rights. Ms. Wazhma Frogh and the other seven brave women of the world have gained much honors in this event. She also met with prominent political and social figures and told them about the difficulties of women in Afghanistan . Ms. Frogh, is the director of an organization by the name of (Global Rights) in Afghanistan , which functions in the field of promoting and generalizing the law in the country, the mentioned organization is a good partner of CSHRN since its foundation and has launched joint programs. Nowadays CSHRN and Global Rights have set up a teacher training program on Human rights for protecting the rights. The Civil…

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Mr. Mohammad Naim Nazari has been elected as the coordinator of CSHRN

In the name of Almighty Allah Mr. Mohammad Naim Nazari has been elected as the coordinator of CSHRN Mr. Mohammad Naim Nazari has been elected & introduced to this position on 02/07/2008, after consulting with the members of the board of directors of the Civil Society & Human Rights Network (CSHRN) of Afghanistan , by the board of directors of CSHRN. Before this, Mr. Azaryon Mateen was responsible for coordinating the programs of the Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan. Mr. Azaryon Mateen has got other responsibility as a program manager with the (International Center of Transitional Justice in Afghanistan). The International Center of Transitional Justice, has been implementing its programs in Afghanistan since 2002, and continues its activities with close cooperation with the Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan. Mr. Mohammad Naim Nazari has work experience of 15 years in the field of Human Rights & Civil Society. Mr. M Naim Nazari has worked on many positions such as, the managing editor of (Taawon) magazine, publication & information manager of CSHRN and the chief editor of (Angaara) magazine. Mr. M Naim Nazari has got great relationship and well fame among the Civil Institutions & media. The site of CSHRN, hopes its co-workers, Mr. Azaryon Mateen and M. Naim Nazari more and more success in their careers.

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Mr. Barry Salaam has been appointed as spokesman of CSHRN

In the name of Almighty Allah Mr. Barry Salaam has been appointed as spokesman of CSHRN The board of directors of the Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) has elected Mr. Barry Salaam the president of (Good morning Afghanistan radio) and manager of (Ăwanama publication), as the speaker of the board of directors of the Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan. Mr. Barry Salaam, who has the membership of the board of directors of CSHRN, is one of the leading and prominent personalities in the field of the media in Afghanistan. Mr. Barry Salaam, is responsible for contacting the national& international organizations and the local & international media via the name of the board of directors of CSHRN, means the position of the Civil Society & Human Rights Network (CSHRN) regarding the important issues in the country. The site of CSHRN congratulates this significant position to Mr. Barry Salaam and hopes him more success in this respect.

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Admiring the work of a successful journalist

In the name of Almighty Allah Admiring the work of a successful journalist Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan has appreciated Mr. Haroon Najafizadah, BBC reporter in northern part of the country. Recently, Mr. Haroon Najafizadah, who is a successful BBC news reporter, has prepared an analytic news program regarding the difficulties and problems in some northern parts of Afghanistan due to the drought that has been broadcasted by BBC radio; this program has strongly affected the responsible organizations and for attracting more attention to this social problem followed by positive reactions. Therefore, the board and the executive secretariat of CSHRN have provided Mr. Najafizadah a letter of appreciation in reward of his great and extensive work for promoting citizenships culture in the country. In a party which was initiated in North zone coordinating office of CSHRN in this regard, attended by a number of intellectuals, representatives of the Civil Society, media and representatives of governmental institutions. Mr. Sorosh Kazimy, the coordinator of CSHRN in North zone, has talked about Najafizadah's great work and presented him the praising message of the board and the secretariat of the Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan. Afterwards, Mr. Farhad Azimy, chief of the provincial council of Balkh, awarded CSHRN letter of appreciation to Mr.Haroon Najafizadah and hoped him more success. The ceremony ended with hoping the media to play an important role in strengthening the Civil Society and promotion of human rights culture in the country.

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CSHRN statement about the report of the UN High commissioner regarding the unpleasant condition of Human Rights in Afghanistan

In the name of Almighty Allah CSHRN statement about the report of the UN High commissioner regarding the unpleasant condition of Human Rights in Afghanistan 11 th Mar, 2009 Kabul-Afghanistan The report has criticized the high level of violence against women, women and children rape and non-ethnic parallelism. The report has considered the high level of corruption and other organized crimes, executive and professional weaknesses of justice system in Afghanistan, poverty and unemployment, as the weak points in the field of generalizing the Human Rights in Afghanistan. The report, however mentioned some success and achievements in the field of human rights in recent years after the Taliban and named the roles of the government, Human Rights independent commission and civil society institutions, but called the Human Rights situation daunting and unpleasant in Afghanistan. The general assembly of CSHRN was held on 11 th March this year, and discussed the UN high commissioner report on human rights and approved this statement. Civil society and Human Rights Network of Afghanistan, appreciates the UN high commissioner's report for human rights and consider it as UN commitment for human rights in Afghanistan. Civilian casualties during military operations of the international forces and on the other side, anti-government oppositions operation on civilian area have induced these wide violations against the international humanitarian law and human rights norms in Afghanistan. On behalf of the civil institutions of Afghanistan and on behalf of the human rights activists & human rights defenders, the Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan, urge the UN Human rights Council to assign its special reporter for monitoring the international humanitarian law for Afghanistan. The Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan, want the government as well the national assembly to support the request for the special representative of…

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