Civil Institution’s conference in Mazar-e-Sharif regarding the problems of the displaced persons of Alburz region in Balk province

In the name of Almighty Allah Civil Institution's conference in Mazar-e-Sharif regarding the problems of the displaced persons of Alburz region in Balk province The coordinating office of CSHRN in North of the country, has expressed its deepest concerns about the condition of displaced persons of Alburz region, and for not addressing their most basic problems, through holding meeting in Mazar-e-Sharif. This meeting was attended by the representative of Civil Society, local media, a number of intellectuals, governmental organizations, head of Balkh provincial council, representatives of the Independent Human Rights Commission (IHRC) and the representatives of the international community. In the session, the participants have initiated a comprehensive discussion for solving the problem and drawing the attention of the international community, media and civil institutions, and expressed how to get out of those problems. Mr. Sorosh Kazimy, coordinator of the Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) in North zone, told the site of CSHRN: the participants of this session stated different views and opinion not only about the difficulties of Alburz residents, but all the social problems which exist in that region. Kazimy added: the main points of the discussions were political, social, cultural, economical and citizen's security. Some of the participants asked the civil society institutions to release a joint statement regarding the overall problems covering the northern part of the country, and attract attention of the local and international media for resolving the problems. Sohrab Samanyan, one of the participants of the conference says: «due to the recent difficulties of the displaced persons in North of the country, civil institutions which cooperate with the Civil Society in North region of Afghanistan, have decided that they should have a clear message regarding this problem and draw international and local institution's attention to it. That's…

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Suggestions of Civil Society Institutions to the Paris Conference

In the name of Almighty Allah Suggestions of Civil Society Institutions to the Paris Conference Hashmatullah Raadfar A number of Civil Society organizations have issued a seven articled statement in respect to the Paris conference and asked the government of Afghanistan and the international community to consider their proposals in this conference. The Civil Society Organizations have also considered coordination among the political, economical and Civil Society sectors, as one of the most essential needs of Afghanistan for creating citizenship's values, in the statement. Generating citizenship values is one the foreground of the Civil Society Institutionalization and the continuance of democratic norms in the society, which undoubtedly this process had faced great challenges in post-conflicts countries and the efforts in this field also requires to pave the way for durability and stability of manners and procedures free of prejudices and dependencies that are against the citizenships values. Although, it is stated that working for the creation of citizenships values in Afghanistan has been started long ago, but the institutionalization of such values in traditional and social structures of the country has always been faced with many challenges that one of the major cause of such challenges was the ruptures which were made on the way of this process because of the different reasons. Although, there have been optimisms toward the institutionalization of Afghanistan on democratic norms and values since six years, but there always have been challenges regarding the incomplete efforts and movements of Afghanistan in this way and also, the transformation of citizenship's values because of the slogans and purposes of conservative political groups and event semi-intellectual circles in the country. With the worsening of security situation in some parts of the country, increasing of economical problems of people and exposure of cultural, ethnic and ideological differences…

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International conference of ” Civil Society ” in Paris for Afghanistan

In the name of Almighty Allah International conference of " Civil Society " in Paris for Afghanistan Malek Sitez Afghan Researcher The international convention of the Civil Society and the private sector for supporting Afghanistan which was chaired by Bernard Kouchner, foreign minister of France, was held On May 24 in Paris. The gathering which had been initiated by the participation of the representatives of Afghanistan's supportive countries, representatives from; Civil Society, private sector and the government of Afghanistan considered as a foreground for the upcoming international conference of Afghanistan's supportive countries that is to be held on June 12 in France. The convention has launched some useful debates in separate sessions regarding the role of the Civil Society, international supports programs and its implementation strategies, how to involve & encourage the private sector in the economical development of Afghanistan and effectiveness and quality of the international aids to Afghanistan. But, the important question which was raised; is that; did the Civil Society develop that much in Afghanistan that could be able to play an important role in specifying and explaining the government and its programs? Democratization of Afghanistan needs Civil Society's reliable and useful role. Value system needs Legal legitimacy. The Civil Society which is a connecting bridge between the people and the government creates such legitimacies. Civil Societies are citizenships or civil centers that form democratic system under the rule of law. Civil society organizations are centers that activate citizen's role in political, economical, social and cultural systems, thus citizens as the essence of civil society's value system can be created and activated by the Civil Society. But, it seems as in the last six years great attention has not been paid to the role of the Civil Society in Afghanistan. The role of the citizen…

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Statement regarding bombardment of civilians in Azizabad village of Herat province in Afghanistan

In the name of Almighty Allah Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN), West Coordination Center Statement regarding bombardment of civilians in Azizabad village of Herat province in Afghanistan 28. 08. 2008, Herat Province of Afghanistan The bombardment by international military forces of Aziz Abad village in Shindand district of Herat province has upset the whole Afghan community, in particular the residents of the western provinces. The bombardment caused the death of 91 civilians, injured a large number of civilian persons and put the residents of that village into very difficult psychological and physical conditions and threatening their personal, social and economic security. The residents of Herat province want to understand why the military forces, who came to bring peace and stability, killed innocent persons. With deep concern we have to state that this incident has greatly put into danger the mission of the international military forces as well as the international community in general. Poverty, hunger, harsh environmental conditions, and social problems such as corruption and organized crime pose important threats to the Afghan government in the western region. Three decades of war have in addition caused severe psychological problems for the residents. Such an environment is a fertile soil for adversaries of human rights to create opposition towards human rights values. The presence of the international community is legitimate according to Afghan and international law. That is why all the Afghans know that the international community came to work with Afghans to rehabilitate their ruined and poor country into a peaceful and legitimate state. However, the killing of innocent civilians significantly strengthens the enemies of human rights values. The UN declaration of the Security Council stipulates that the international military forces are in Afghanistan for ensuring peace, stability of the state and to build the capacities…

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Statement of CSHRN in relation to the limitation of freedom of media in Afghanistan

In the name of Almighty Allah Statement of CSHRN in relation to the limitation of freedom of media in Afghanistan Kabul, Afghanistan / 23. April 2008 Since a long time, a debate is going on about banning Indian series from Afghan private TV channels what in fact has to be regarded as an excuse to start limiting the freedom of media. Such an untimely debate creates big concerns amongst civil society organizations and Afghan citizens about their civil freedoms. They are scared that Afghanistan once again becomes a victim of extremism, a development which would be very difficult and economically as well as humanly very costly to correct. Afghanistan has taken first steps towards cultural freedoms, which make Afghanistan a positive example among countries affected by conflict. Cultural and civil freedoms are essential to the Afghan people and therefore any limitation of them would put obstacles in the way of reconstruction and development. The Afghan Constitution guaranties human rights; promotes civil rights, freedom of media and freedom of culture. These rights and freedoms are also guaranteed by media law derived from the constitution. Therefore, there is no legal reason to limit the freedom of media in Afghanistan. The state of Afghanistan ratified the International Conventions on Civil and Political Rights, and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which constitute the main instruments of the United Nations in the field of international human rights protection. For this reason, there is international legal support for Afghanistan and Afghan citizens. The Afghan state as member of the UN has committed itself also to the Charta of the UN. The UN Charta, which promotes international peace and security, requests its member states to respect human rights and democracy. The Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN), who is coordinating civil society organizations active…

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Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) Statement Concerning the death penalty of the Afghan Journalist Mr. Parwais Kambakhsh

In the name of Almighty Allah Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) Statement Concerning the death penalty of the Afghan Journalist Mr. Parwais Kambakhsh January 24th 2008 The Afghan Journalist Mr. Parwais Kambakhsh has been sentenced to death by the local court in Mazar e Sharif without a proper investigation, what constitutes a violation of legal proceedings. This violation has a bad influence on the civil society and on human rights activists in Afghanistan, especially in the Northern region of the country. Afghan citizens, whose civil and political rights are guaranteed by the Afghan constitution and international laws, should not become victims of political and illegal prosecution. The civil society and human rights network calls for the Afghan state, the international community and all social and political institutions and organizations for protection and support to the Afghan citizens in this kind of circumstances. We ask that justice and rule of law are respected according to the national and international standards. According to the Afghan constitution, the Afghan state is responsible to protect and ensure civil and political as well as economic, social and cultural rights of the Afghan citizens. CSHRN, which is composed of 60 human rights NGOs, asks the Afghan state to fulfill those obligations in accordance with the Afghan constitution, the international convention on civil and political rights and the international convention on economic, social and cultural rights. The CSHRN with its high respect for religious values - what is illustrated by the fact, that justice, respect and fairness are the main principles of the network, - calls upon spiritual leaders to support Afghan citizens in their request for the implementation of the above mentioned norms. CSHRN Steering Committee

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Civil Society and Human Rights Network Press Release on the illegal action of the Afghan police against Afghan Journalists of Tolo TV

In the name of Almighty Allah Civil Society and Human Rights Network Press Release on the illegal action of the Afghan police against Afghan Journalists of Tolo TV April 2007 On April 17th Afghan Police, upon the (oral) recommendation of the General Prosecutor of Afghanistan , attacked Tolo TV. The police arrested the Chief Editor, the Legal Advisor and a journalist of TV station after having beaten and insulted them. Moreover, the journalist was released after some hours. Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) strongly condemns this illegal action. CSHRN believes that such illegal actions will badly damage the process of democratization, the establishment of rule of law, freedom of speech, and civil society in Afghanistan . According to CSHRN this violent act of the Afghan police violates international human rights standards and infringes the Afghan Constitution. CSHRN calls on the Afghan State to cause an investigation to be made. The Afghan State is obliged to inquire the reasons for this act violating freedom of expression and to bring the responsible persons to justice. CSHRN believes that this illegal action in the current precarious period of time would undermine democracy, human rights culture and civil society values. CSHRN calls upon the international community and the international media to support media and freedom of speech in Afghanistan in the present critical period of time. Civil Society & Human Rights Network's member organizations

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Civil Society & Human Rights Network (CSHRN) press release concerning the killing of innocent civilians caused by ISAF and NATO shootings during a terrorist suicide bombing attack

In the name of Almighty Allah Civil Society & Human Rights Network (CSHRN) press release concerning the killing of innocent civilians caused by ISAF and NATO shootings during a terrorist suicide bombing attack 07 March 2007-Kabul Afghanistan On Sunday in Nangarhar province, and on Monday in Kapisa province, international peace keeping troops after they had been attacked by a suicide bomber, shoot randomly around them and killed and injured number of innocent people. Terrorists and Taliban for own strategic purposes use civilian houses as entrenchment and shield. Due to clashes lots of Afghani civilians die. In this very important period of time, the Afghan state, and the international community are facing one most important challenge, to fight terror with the minimum killing of innocent and civilian Afghans. If the international and Afghan troops do not deal with this issue in a professional way, social dissatisfaction and violence will sprawl amongst Afghans. Such a social violence would lead Afghanistan into an unpredictable condition where control of the consequences would become impossible. The Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) that consists of 58 organizations urges the international peacekeepers operating under the umbrella of ISAF-NATO, Afghan state troops, and all international actors to respect and prioritize individual and social security of Afghan citizens during their military operations. The CSHRN believes that the respect of the right to life is the main precondition for promoting human rights and values. It should be strictly respected and such bloodshed of innocent people avoided. CSHRN member organizations

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Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) Announcement In connection with the latest decision of National Assembly

In the name of Almighty Allah Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) Announcement In connection with the latest decision of National Assembly 31 January 2007 Afghanistan as one of the most vulnerable countries in the world from the view point of the continued calamities arising from conflicts, war and human crimes, violations of accepted international human rights, cultural, political and social treaties, once again comes under new crisis and threatens the new opportunities gained with much problems and sufferings. The innocent people of Afghanistan who are the main victims of these crimes were excluded from participating while member of Wolesi Jirga were deciding upon impunity of war criminals. On 21 January 2007 , the National Assembly of Afghanistan approved a new charter under the name of Conciliation and National Stability. The charter by the Afghan parliament which legalizes the safety against the past crimes in Afghanistan is a strong blow over the infant body of democracy, human rights values and ensuring the rule of law in this country. Approval of this decision is against the customs of international laws, the four humanitarian conventions based on the responsibilities of the states towards the citizens under the oppressions of war and internal and regional disputes, international treaties of civil and political rights, international statement of human rights and the human rights values. On the other hand the approval of this decision brings under question the justice process and integration of legal governance in the government and severely damages the civil society values. Rule of law is based on justice principles. Ensuring justice is a precondition for ensuring democracy and the expansion of the role of people in the national governance, security, peace and stability. We can learn this principle from the prominent examples of international communities. The approval of…

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