Consultation with the civil society organizations on the situation of minorities in Afghanistan

At the beginning of the new chapter of its activities, Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) has begun to address the legal status of minorities as one of its priorities. On this occasion, on October 27, 2019, CSHRN held a consultation meeting with a number of civil society activists, elites and university professors. The participants discussed their views, criticisms and suggestions on the situation of minorities and ethnicities in Afghanistan. In this program, they shared views regarding the discrimination in the laws (written and unwritten) culture, society, politics and economy of Afghanistan. It was emphasized in the program that eliminating ethnic, linguistic, and religious discrimination is the government’s basic responsibility in eradicating any kind of supremacy through enacting laws and other mechanisms. According to these activists, discrimination is structured to the extent that divides the citizens into first, second and third degrees. When a province is put in the third degree, then that province is two level lower than the first degree provinces in terms of development, and welfare. Development of health, education, economy and culture of that province is the third priority. This in turn has caused population congestion in the first degree provinces and has transformed the productive force into a consumer force in the first provinces. Through its constructive advocacy and engagement with the government, CSHRN is determined to co-ordinate minority rights programs.

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Civil Society Report on Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

ABOUT THIS REPORT This report on implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) presents the perspectives and views of civil society with regard to Afghanistan’s compli­ance with its obligations under CRPD. This report has been compiled from consultation with government institutions, civil society or­ganization either working for persons with disabilities or persons without disability, focus group discussions, individual and collective interviews and expert group discussions. In the development of this report civil society submissions and reports released by national and international organiza­tions have also been exploited. The issues raised in this report and gaps highlighted in government compliance with the CRPD should be considered in the context of Afghanistan. ------------------------------------------------------------- To read the report, please click on the link below.

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Afghan organizations and Civil Society Activists Statement about “Joint way Forward” Union Treaty between Afghanistan and Europe on the return and deportation of asylum seekers and refugees, from Europe

In the name of Almighty Allah Afghan organizations and Civil Society Activists Statement about "Joint way Forward" Union Treaty between Afghanistan and Europe on the return and deportation of asylum seekers and refugees, from Europe October 20, 2016 Kabul, Afghanistan Afghan immigration and refugees is once again at the top of the political agenda. It has been a hot topic for many decades now. Unfortunately, as a result of a long and terrible wars in Afghanistan, millions of Afghans have had to flee various conflicts. Today Afghans make up the second largest refugee population in Europe after Syria. Alone in 2015, around 196,170 sought asylum in Europe. Those who have fled Afghanistan recently include unaccompanied Afghan youth (the largest national group in Europe), families and other vulnerable groups of people. Seeking safety, work to allow them to survive, and hope for their secured future, they risked a dangerous journey to reach Europe. Many families lost their loved ones en route. Whole families were drowned, and young boys have been beaten, sexually assaulted, tear gassed, robbed and shot crossing Iranian, Turkish and European borders. There were many Afghans among the 4,000 people were drowned in 2015 in the Mediterranean Sea, and the 3,000+ have lost their lives until October 2016. In spite of all these risks, many Afghans reached Europe, especially a large number of Afghan refugees and immigrants, according to the immigration policies of Angela Merkel, the German Prime Minister, to undertake difficulties abound, reached Germany where at first they were welcomed. However, other countries failed to show the same generosity as Mrs. Merkel, and so Germany received almost all the Afghans coming in the last year, plus many, many Syrians. Gradually, immigration policies of Angela Merkel, the German Prime Minister, was under internal pressures. As a result of…

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Call for Afghan organizations and civil society activists the political representatives of the United Nations, the Government of National Unity and the enlighting movement On the negotiations to get a fair solution

 In the Name of Almighty Allah Call for Afghan organizations and civil society activists the political representatives of the United Nations, the Government of National Unity and the enlighting movement  On the negotiations to get a fair solution September 19, 2016  Kabul, Afghanistan Given the troubles due to new developments in security and foreign policy, national unity government based on regional cooperation, in particular to strengthen relations with countries like India, which circles the pro-Taliban and terrorist groups in the region are considered as a threat and serious abstraction. Enemies of Afghanistan will not hesitate in the creation of any disaster and damage to the system and the people of Afghanistan. With the expectation of a successful transition of this situation, to safeguard the stability of the system and prevent another humanitarian catastrophe, that might be sacrifice of military and civilians seeking justice, hence requires the leadership of the national unity government and the enlighting movement, by more farseeing and restraint, to enter a new phase of negotiations and their concepts, to reach a fair solution. On the basis of Afghan institutions and civil society activists, to prevent another human catastrophe and to the formation of a new phase of dialogue and understanding among the conventional National Unity Government and the enlighting movement, the present calls to discuss with the following provisions: 1- Organizations and Afghan civil society activists, suggest that the government and the Supreme Council of the popular movement, the enlighting movement, will discuss their creation of a transparent mechanism for negotiations, enunciated the honor and the process of direct negotiations, mediated by the representative of United Nations in Afghanistan and the regulatory community of Civil society organizations to be accepted;  2- Afghan organizations and civil society activists, the political representatives of the United Nations in Afghanistan, requests…

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Position Paper for Brussels Conference on Afghanistan (Oct 4-5)

Civils Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) Position Paper for Brussels Conference on Afghanistan (Oct 4-5)  Hassan Ali Faiz Background The 2004 Constitution of Afghanistan, lays strong foundation for protection and promotion of human rights and sets up institutional mechanisms to ensure their protection. Article 58 of the Constitution establishes the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission. Afghanistan is also signatory to seven of nine core international human rights treaties in addition to Rome Statute. Afghanistan has had several distinct human rights achievements in the past fourteen years but with the ongoing security, economic and political transformation - which will have impact on human rights - the hard-won gains are more fragile than ever. If these achievements are not consolidated, it is feared that they may roll back as the overall human rights situation is deteriorating on several fronts. There are clear indications of declining respect for human rights. Alarming level of women rights violations, deteriorating security situation, recurring impunity of abusers, growing corruption, and weakened efficacy of Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission indicate waning determination on the part of the government of Afghanistan to respect, protect and fulfill human rights. The most significant human rights problems in Afghanistan include among others, violence against women, civilian casualties, torture and arbitrary detention, abusive security forces, freedom of expression and press; discrimination and internal displacements. ……………………………………………… Read The PDF

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The 8th General Assembly of CSHRN

The 8th general assembly of the Civil Society & Human Rights Network (CSHRN) was conducted by the presence of its member organizations in Kabul on 10th Feb, 2015. General Assembly is the highest decision-making authority of CSHRN that is organized once every two years, in which the member organizations are deciding and planning about the strategic issues of the network as well as electing the triple committee’s members via a democratic election. At the beginning of the program, M.Naim Nazari, the executive director of CSHRN talked about the achievements of the network and praised the constructive coordination and cooperation of its member institutions. He asked the member organizations to make more and more efforts for monitoring the human rights situation and joint advocacy for improving the human rights situation in the country. Mr. Nazari added that, the Civil Society & Human Rights Network with the assistance of its member institutions was able to publish nine educational manuals on human rights during 2014. He also mentioned some important and valuable reports that have been prepared and submitted to its relevant agencies by CSHRN during 2014. He concluded that these crucial reports are the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), the annual report on human rights situation in Afghanistan and Monitoring report on the functions of the Independent Human Rights Commission of Afghanistan to ICC. The executive director of CSHRN has also mentioned the functions and activities of CSHRN in the field of coordination, capacity-building, monitoring the human rights situation, advocacy and public awareness. Afterward, Ahmad Seyar Lalee, CSHRN’s program officer, briefed the general assembly regarding the suggestions of the member organizations on amending the strategies of CSHRN and said «for amending the strategy of CSHRN, the strategic frameworks of CSHRN have been compared with the strategies of credible organizations». According to…

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Conference on celebrating the International Human Rights Day and Appreciating the Human Rights works of Journalists

Dec 10th is the International Human Rights Day, celebrating this day is very important and meaningful especially to human rights defenders and activists. Dec 10th, is the day of commemorating the difficult experiences of global campaign for human rights ideals. Commemorating the importance of human rights, appreciating the human rights activities of civil players, praising and commending the position of human rights victims and reminding the government its human rights responsibilities will certainly pave the way for realization and expansion of human rights values and principles in the country. Hence, CSHRN celebrated this day by conducting a conference with the presence of civil society representatives and journalistsin the capital Kabul. The program was commenced with reciting some verses of the Holly Quran by Mr. Mohammad Sadiq Ahmadi;afterwards, Mr. Naim Nazari CSHRN’s executive director has opened the first part of the program with his valuable speech. After that, the panel members of the program, Ms. Farkhunda Zahra Naderi, member of the house of representatives, Doctor Malek Sitez, researcher in international affairs, and Sediqullah Tawhidi, Head of Nai supporting open media in Afghanistan, have respectively addressed their speech on the «role of media in promoting Human Rights», «Civil Rights, the cornerstone of Human Rights» and «Human Rights Situation of Journalists in Afghanistan». The second part of the program was dedicated for presenting the appreciation letters of some correspondents who were very active in reporting human rights issues. The correspondents who were presented appreciation letters by CSHRN were: Ms. Shakila Ibrahimkhail, Ms. Saliha Sadat and Sayed Azim Arash, from Tolo TV network, Mr. Sajad Mohammadi and Nazruddin Moslih, from 1TV, Ms. Farahnaz Frotan from Aryana News, Mr. Ayoub Arween from BBC radio, Mr. Akbar Rustemi from Hashte Subh Daily, Ms. Pashtana Arabzay from Shamshad TV and Mr. Amirshah Joya from Arezo…

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Human Rights Winter School on Promoting International Humanitarian Law

More than 40 countries are carrying their military operations and investigation in Afghanistan. International reports indicate that a large number of civilian including women, children and elders are the victims of such missions in Afghanistan. On the other hand, the opposite insurgents groups use the civilians as their protective shields and unfortunately violating the international humanitarian law extensively. In addition, lack of sufficient information regarding the International Humanitarian Law in the political system induced the advocating role of the civil institutions in relation to the International Humanitarian Law to be marginalized. For promoting and generalizing the international humanitarian law, The Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) will conduct a sequence of awareness and capacity-building programs. For the present time, CSHRN has organized teacher-training programs in the capital Kabul, North, and Northeast, West, Southeast, central and East regions of the country and prepared the Educational Manual of the international humanitarian law that currently available with the civil society institutions. The educational winter school on international humanitarian law that was held at Central Hotel, Shah-e, Kabul, attended by 65 key trainers of CSHRN from Kabul and other provinces who carried out extensive discussion on challenges against the values of the international humanitarian law. According to the participants and based on the international humanitarian law, the Afghan government, the international community and the other involved parties should clearly express their commitments and responsibilities toward the values of the international humanitarian law. The second part of the program was a live music by a talented and young singer, Abdullah Milad Kabiri with high humanitarian messages through music. CSHRN is to conduct widespread educational programs in the field of international humanitarian law in the capital and other provinces soon.

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Training Manual of Election

In the name of almighty Allah Training Manual of Election Preamble Election or the votes of people for electing a president, representatives of people in parliament or a leader of a political party or other institutions is one of the principles of democracy. With the passage of time, and expansion of human relationships and thoughts, elections has been associated with many increases and decreases and maybe some alterations, but anyhow the main purpose of elections is the votesand opinions of people in politics and political leadership of a society. Elections is a mechanism that enables all the eligible generation of a society to decide on their own future by participating in the process of electing political leaders for the society. Elections mechanism is different considering the cultural and intellectual condition of a society. Most often, it's managed by an independent body called Independent Election Commission or Election Committee. The role of the government in the election process is interpreted as the facilitator of the condition for the process of the elections and providing security, and does not have the right to interfere in the electoral process. Understanding and recognizing elections and itsimportance requires intellectual maturity and organizing appropriate training and awareness programs, and delivering it through the mass media and also distribution of Guidelines and Handbooks that will help and enable the public people to realize the importance of elections and their votes for determining an appropriate leader for a peaceful and stable political future of the society. The “Training Manual of Election” has been prepared in six chapters to increase the awareness of the people regarding elections and its importance. Reading the training manual accurately and carefully will provide the readers necessary information regarding the importance of elections, election conditions and requirements, responsibilities and mechanisms of elections.…

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Active presence of the civil society & human rights network of Afghanistan «In Afghanistan International Conference in Bonn»

Bonn conference which gained great importance in current situation, defines the role of international community in betterment of security and support of Afghanistan after 2014. This conference which was held in Bonn city of Germany with the huge participation of international community, acquired international coverage, the conference also acquired a lot of significance for the people of Afghanistan . The most important message of this conference is the commitment of the international community for the future of Afghanistan . In this conference, the government of the United States of America , European Union member countries, India Japan, Canada , Australia and all of the engaged countries in reconstruction and security of Afghanistan sent their authorized representatives, expressed their continued commitment of supporting the new system, keeping the values of the democracy, respecting the human rights and the rule of law. Mrs. Hillary Clinton, minister of foreign affairs of the United States of America, expressed her government's support from Afghanistan and insisted on strengthening the civil society, respect for the values of human rights & democracy in her five minutes speeches in this conference. Mrs. Merkel, prime minister of Germany, on behalf of her government as well as on behalf of the European Union called the respect of the human rights, one of the significant preconditions of the states of this Union for supporting Afghanistan . Other participant countries focused on a legal system, based on Afghanistan constitution that reveals the importance of the conference for the people of Afghanistan. Civil society congregation was held one day before this conference in Bonn, 34 representatives of civil society who were democratically elected by the civil society organizations of the country has participated in this conference. In civil society congregation in Bonn , 10 members of Civil Society & Human Rights…

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