Report of CSHRO activity in the East Region to the General Assemble

January 2011

By Dr. Naimatullah Hamdard, Coordinator of CSHRO in the East region of Afghanistan

Dear colleagues participants of the 6 th General Assembly of CSHRO

Report01-31-4Our office in the Eastern region works according to the platform, strategy, log frame and action plan of CSHRO. My report to you is based on these elements. Our office in Jalalabad, is a coordination center for human rights actors who works in Jalalabad city and other provinces in the East region. We have 5 member organizations. We meet with our member organizations constantly. We provide them educational manual and other facilities for promotion of human rights in our province. We have created focal point in Konar and Laghman provinces. Generally we work with 180 civil society organizations in our regions.

To make our work sustainable, we focus a lot on trust building ellements amongst ourselves and other civil society organizations. We met constantly with them and discus our problems together. We have organized two general assemblies within our structures. During the general assemblies we elected members to the Board and Evaluation Committee.

Today we work with three provinces in the East region and soon we will start our activities in Noorestan provinces.

In the field of capacity building:

We organized training for 10 trainers in the field of conflict transformation and conflict resolution. These trainers work with us in the field of capacity building in the East region. In the East office, we have organized a small resource center with a small library for our member organization. We have created a good relationship with the donors in the East region. We introduced the civil society organizations to the donors for their collaboration.

In the field of coordination:

We have created collaborative relationship with civil society organization, some state institutions and international partners.

In the field of capacity building we organized systematical programs where our member organizations and our partner institutions receive training by our office.

We evaluate our programs during the trainings. We discussed the suggestion form the participants of the capacity building programs we integrate these suggestions into our programs.

In the field of advocacy:

We work closely with national and local media in Jalalabad. We discussed the issue of human rights, the role of civil society, the challenges of democratization in Afghanistan and the question concerning role of law in our country. We disseminate the Angaara Journal and other CSHRO publication on human rights to the libraries, state institutions, academic institutions and civil society organizations. We received response about our publication and integrate these suggestions in our informative programs. We celebrate human rights days such as 10 th of December, international human rights day, 8 th of March, international day for women and international peace day.

CSHRO organized the following programs in the East region:

•  12 educational programs on human rights fundamental principals

•  12 dialogue on civil society role in promotion of human rights.

310 men and 121 women received our training by both 24 above mentioned programs.

•  Our office actively participated in 155 meetings with our partners, state and non state actors.

•  We have conducted 3 reporting gathering for our member and partner organizations where we informed them about our activities in the East regions.

•  We have participated in 35 TV, and Radio shows.

•  Our office in Jalalabad collaborate closely with Nangarhar University , we discussed the issue of human rights with young students during our constant dialogue.

Our office received a letter of acknowledgment form Nangarhar provincial council and Ministry of Culture in Information about our work in Jalalabad.

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