Report of CSHRO West Region to the General Assemble

January 2011

By Ms Aziza Khairandash CSHRO Coordinator in the West region of Afghanistan

Dear colleagues participants of the 6 th General Assembly of CSHRO

I would like to inform you about the main activities of CSHRO in the Western region of Afghanistan.

My report is mainly focused on CSHRO strategic values.

In the field of coordination:

Report01-31-5We have close coordination with the national and international human rights actors in the western region of Afghanistan. We had quarterly meeting with our partners, who work in the field of human rights in Herat city. We organized joint meeting with human rights section of UNAMA office in Herat. We had constant communication with the Afghan independent human rights commission in Herat city. We organized meeting with the Ministry of Women Affaires representation in the West region. We had close collaboration with police and invited them in our coordination meetings. We had close collaboration with the Ministry of Justice in Herat province. During our meetings with our partner organizations and state institutions in Herat we shared information and distributed human rights educational manuals and CSHRO other publications.

As a civil society umbrella organization we have membership of following institution in Herat.

•  We are member of the consultative committee of the provincial council

•  We are member of advocacy group for women rights in Herat.

•  We are member of the commission to support families.

In the field of capacity building:

Our office in Herat is the only civil society organization that organizes constantly human rights educational programs for civil society and some state institutions in Herat.

•  Our office organized some important education programs about Islam, modernism, secularism, globalization, intellectuals and their role in promotion of human rights in Afghanistan, regions intellectual and their role in promotion of civil society and human rights. During these programs we invited 120 intellectuals of Herat province.

•  We conducted 22 educational programs in Herat and other provinces in the region where 500 persons form civil society, police, and representative of Ministry of Women affairs in Heart Ministry of Justice in Herat, religious leader participated.

•  We organized training for trainers for 10 human rights trainers in the Western regions of Afghanistan. During this program the manual on conflict transformation and resolution has been trained.

In the field of advocacy:

CSHRO office in Herat province worked closely with the Office of Governor and the Provincial Council of Herat to be a part of discussion on human rights and civil society issues.

We have organized the following program:

•  Press conferences where the statements of CSHRO explained and disseminated to national and international media in the region.

•  We have conducted a study of situation of women in the western regions for the human rights actors in the region.

•  We have conducted big gathering to celebrate human rights events.

•  We actively participated in the radio round tables, TV programs, news papers in our region.

•  We have sent our articles form the region and interviews to CSHRO website.

Dear colleagues:

It was a short summary of our activities in the region, for any more information please contact us and we will be happy to inform you about our role in the Western region.

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