The Civil Society and Human Rights Network 6th General Assembly has conducted

By: Wazir Ahmad Khorami

On 20th January 2011, the sixth General Assembly of CSHRN was conducted in Kabul. Representatives of CSHRN from four regions, CSHRN member organizations and CSHRN secretariat form Kabul and regions participated in the General Assembly. At the beginning Report01-24-5of the General Assembly the Executive Secretariat of the CSHRN presented a comprehensive report of CSHRN activities between fifth to sixth General Assemblies. Mr. Naim Nazari, the Executive Secretariat of CSHRN presented the overall report of CSHRN. The report was mainly focused on main fields of CSHRN activities; coordination, capacity building and advocacy. Then the representatives of regions presented CSHRN main activities in the regions.

Two important focus areas as reduction of family violence in Heart and draft law of access to information were discussed separately during the General Assembly. Mrs. Khalida Khorsand the coordinator of programmes relating to reduction of family violence in Heart gave a wide-ranging report about CSHRN campaign in Herat . She presented the CSHRN analyses of family violence situation in Heart province. Then she informed the General Assembly about the campaign of reduction of family violence in Heart province. Mr. Kava Sahab, representative of access to information working group in Mazar-e- Sharef, presented an informative presentation about the status of access to information draft law. He informed the General Assembly about his meetings in the regions Report01-24-4as well in Kabul about the dialogs with the representatives of civil society, media and intellectuals. According to him the draft law will be discussed by a new working group composed by law specialist.

The second part of General Assembly was dedicated to the organizational maters. First Mr. Naim Nazari informed the General Assembly about the registration of CSHRN to the governmental bodies. As the Network can not be registered on the name of Network in the Minister of Economy, the General Assembly decided to register CSHRN to Civil Society and Human Rights Organisation (CSHRO).

The Network also decided that the General Assembly should be organized once during two years. Accordingly the structure of CSHRO should be elected by the General Assembly for two years. According to the amendments conducted by General Assembly the General Assembly elected the Board, Statement Committee and Evaluation Committee for membership for tow upcoming years.

At the end of General Assembly Mr. Malek Sitez the Head of the Program made a conclusion remarks about next stapes of CSHRO.

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