The 7th general assembly of CSHRN was conducted on 18th of March 2013
General Assembly is the highest authority of the Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN); the General Assembly is comprised of all member organizations from Kabul and provinces. The General Assembly is the policy making structure of the network. The General Assembly is being organized once every two years. The General Assembly evaluates the report that is presented by the network's Executive Secretariat. The General Assembly democratically elects the structures (the Board members, the Statement Committee and the Evaluation Committee) of the CSHRN. At the beginning, the Chairwoman of CSHRN's Board, Ms. Selay Ghafar welcomed all the participants of the General Assembly. Ms. Ghafar reported the General Assembly on the role and activities of the Board during the past two years. Ms. Ghafar appreciated the collaborative relations of the member organizations in promotion of human rights and strengthening of civil society in Afghanistan. According to her, CSHNR is the main human rights network that actively promotes human rights values in Afghanistan. According to Ms. Ghafar during the past two years the Board productively communicated with the member organizations and CSHRN executive structures. It was a good experience for joint and team-working manners. On behalf of CSHRN member organizations, Ms. Ghafar has appreciated the professional and constructive partnership of the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) with CSHRN programs in Afghanistan. She also appreciated the productive and supportive role of Danish and Swiss government's representatives in Afghanistan. During the recent General Assembly, CSHRN's report was presented by Mr. Naim Nazari, the Executive Coordinator of CSHRN. The report covered the two years activities of CSHRN 2011 -2012. The report elaborated the CSHRN activities in the field of strategic development of CSHRN during the past two years. The report mainly focused on main key result areas as capacity building,…