Awareness rising is one of the main components of CSHRO forth phase

During the last thirty years Afghanistan has experienced wide-base human rights violation. The different political regimes misused the human rights values for their political agenda. In the same time the warlords and military and political groups have violated fundamental human rights principles in Afghanistan. During the last thirty years the military and political parties straggled against each other to capture the political power in Afghanistan . During this period of time around two million Afghans have been killed and around two million Afghans have become disabled. According to CSHRO studies lack of information in the political structure and lack of awareness of human rights values among the Afghan population is one of the main reasons of human rights violation in the country. According to CSHRO analyses the main aspect of human rights violations have been recorded in the field of civil rights. Torture, political prosecution, limitation of freedom of speech, restriction of freedom of association and lack of freedom of media have been considered as the main area of violations of human rights during this period of time. After the Taliban regime the new Afghan constitution grantees the human rights values equally to all citizens of Afghanistan . Based on the new Afghan constitutional support the civil society institutions were established in post Taliban period in Afghanistan . CSHRO organized itself in 2004. During this period CSHRN has been mainly engaged in the fields of coordination amongst civil society, capacity building of its member organizations, advocacy and promotion of human rights. According to CSHRN, awareness rising about human rights values is one of the most important elements for promotion and protection of human rights. Therefore CSHRN General Assembly has decided to encourage all member organizations to become more active in the field of public awareness about human rights…

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Respect your mothers, sisters, wives and daughters, they are also human!

In the name of Almighty Allah Respect your mothers, sisters, wives and daughters, they are also human! With great regret, that the Afghan parliament didn't approve the law on Elimination of Violence Against Women (EVAW) on its general session on Saturday, May 18, 2013. The opposition of a number of MPs caused the law not to be approved by the house of people; they were claiming that some of its articles are in conflict with the Islamic principles. At the meantime, women suffers many types of violence in Afghanistan, which are also contrary with the Islamic values, and yet violence against women is one the most common problems in Afghanistan. In order to fulfill their civic duty and understanding the negative deep impacts of violence against women in our society, the civil society institutions have taken their continues measures and effortsto find a fundamental solution for reducing and eliminating the culture of violence against women and misogyny in the country. One of the fundamental and civil solution that the civil institutions are agree on, is the existence of a law and an appropriate judicial structure, to fight this inhuman phenomena of violence against women. The draft of the law on Elimination of Violence Against Women, which has also been signed as a legislative decree by his Excellency president Hamid Karzai, is the outcome of the non-tiring efforts of the Civil Institutions & groups, civil activists, Human Rights Activists and conscious women of Afghanistan. The conscious womenand the Civil Society of Afghanistan consider the approval of this law as a sign of national attempt for eradicating the culture of misogyny in Afghanistan and executing itsinternational commitments and it was called a strong pillar for a human society without gender discrimination. The Civil Society & Human Rights Network, which is…

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The fourth phase of the network, a substantial step toward establishment of a human rights movement in Afghanistan through well-functioning civil society

The third phase of Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) is completed successfully in January 2011 and the network kept on its endeavors by bridging the lessons learned of third phase to the objectives of fourth phase of the network. Precisely eight years ago, the CSHRN established itself as a coordination entity for local human rights based organizations. CSHRN establishment was the result of 2002 up to 2004 constructive and substantial dialogues of human rights defenders and activists in Afghanistan. The CSHRN started its activities in August 2004 by the support of Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR). DIHR as a well-known international human rights institution has supported the CSHRN in the field of institutional and thematic capacity building. This support has enabled the CSHRN to establish democratic structures and increase its human rights knowledge and play its role for strengthening human rights values. The CSHRN convened its first general assembly in Kabul city in presence of representatives of 25 local civil society organizations. In the first two years all the activities of the CSHRN were being limited merely to the Kabul city. But these activities have facilitated cooperation and collaboration among different civil society and human rights organizations. It is worth mentioning that in these years the only supporter of the CSHRN was the Royal State of Denmark international support mechanism (DANIDA). In 2005 the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Joined DANIDA and thereafter SDC has a great contribution in attaining the aim of the CSHRN. SDC has supported CSHRN in the field of developing pool of training materials. The network by receiving the support of Swiss State has developed the human rights educational manual. Through this program CSHRN conducted systematic human rights trainings in Afghanistan. In the run of recent eight years, CSHRN…

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Statement of Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN)

In the name of Almighty Allah Statement of Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) March 11, 2013 Kabul-Afghanistan Afghanistan is experiencing a critical situation. The periodic withdrawals of the international forces from 2014, the conducting of the presidential election, capacity building of political & economic self-sufficiency are the most significant components of the current situation. The role of the international community, particularly the close partners of Afghanistan , is very important in this regard. The international community has uniquely supported the people and the government of Afghanistan during the past twelve years. The civil society of Afghanistan appreciates the international community's role for supporting the Afghan people and State. The civil society of Afghanistan were very much aware of the importance of supporting the Afghan people in such a significant stage in relation to the economic crises, which sweeps the world. Recently, it is very noticeable that the constructive convergence between the Afghan government and the international community has been faced with difficulties. Political leaders provide their speeches in a non-friendly manner to the address of the international community led by the United States of America , which led to the same reaction by the international community toward Afghanistan . The sequential wars have made this country a dependent state to the international community. To get free of such dependencies, the people & the Afghan government need the support of the international community and for getting their support, the Afghan government should initiates its programs in convergence and coordination of the international community. The civil society of Afghanistan urges the government to keep and maintain its convergence & coordinate through planning some constructive programs and strategies along with keeping its national interest, national sovereignty and territorial integrity. On the behalf of the Afghan people, the…

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The civil society representatives have met with the President of Federal Republic of Germany

On October -16th -2011 his Excellency Christian Wulff the President of Federal Republic of Germany met with representatives of Afghan civil society umbrella organizations in the Chair of the AIHRC in German Embassy in Kabul city. During the meeting Mr. Michael Steiner the Especial Representatives of Afghanistan and Pakistan affaires, Mr. Rudiger Konig the Ambassador of German Federal Republic and Mr. Shoayab Azam the Councilor of the Political Affaires of Germen embassy were part of German delegation. Dr. Sima Samar Chairwomen of Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), Mr. Mohammad Naim Nazari the Executive Coordinator of Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN), Mis Samira Hamidi Chair women of Afghan Women Network (AWN), Mr. Azizi Rafee Director of Afghanistan Civil Society Forum (ACSF) and Said Rahim Satar the Deputy of Afghanistan NGOs Coordination Bureau ANCB represented Afghan civil society in the meeting. During the meeting the representative of civil society of Afghanistan informed the German delegation about challenges, strength and threats of the civil society institutions. The Afghan civil society also explained the role of civil society in strengthening of legitimate and democratic state in Afghanistan. During the meeting, representatives of civil society appreciated the role of German Federal Government in reconstruction of Afghanistan and its support to civil society in promotion of human rights and democratic values in Afghanistan. President Wulff on behalf of German people and state expressed his support to the Afghan people and the Afghan civil society. He said that the people of Germany will continue to support Afghan people after 2014 when the international military forces leave Afghanistan. President Christian Wulff pays an official visit to Afghanistan to meet with President Hamid Karzai and the German military forces in Afghanistan.

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Statement of the Civil Society & Human rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) Regarding the recent genocide and terrorist attacks in Quetta, Pakistan

In the name of Almighty Allah Statement of the Civil Society & Human rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) Regarding the recent genocide and terrorist attacks in Quetta, Pakistan Feb 20, 2013 Kabul-Afghanistan The civil society institutions have been strongly concerned by the recent reports of targeted killings of Hazara ethnic minority in Pakistan . The recent terrorist attack in Quetta , Pakistan has killed more than 90 innocent people and wounded nearly 200 others, while all of the victims of the incident belong to a certain ethnic group. Such targeted murders against a certain community or ethnic group that hurt the conscience of people is seriously against the humanity. We the members of the civil institution, while feel sharer in their pains and mourns strongly condemned this terrorist attack, and propose the followings. •  We the member of civil society institution, are strongly concerned about the targeted killings and attack, which have been carrying out from many years in Pakistan against a certain ethnic group, and considered it an obvious genocide. To prevent such crimes some serious and comprehensive measures should be taken, otherwise these inhuman disasters will be increased; hence, we request the government of Pakistan in relation to the recent terrorist attacks, to carry out some practical actions in identifying and prosecution of its perpetrators, and take necessary measures for protecting the lives and properties of civilian, which is one the most basic duties of a responsible government. •  CSHRN urge the UN, to initiate fact-finding programs in relation to this genocide, and declare its results clearly. •  CSHRN, request the United Nations, particularly human rights supportive organizations of UN, to put pressure on the Pakistani government in order to conduct some comprehensive and fact-finding programs for prosecution of the those who claimed responsibility for the…

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Summary description of The Civil Society Human Rights Network (CSHRO)

The Civil Society and Human Rights Organisation (until 2011 the Civil Society and Human Rights Network) was founded in 2004 by 25 civil society and human rights organisations. Today CSHRO is organised as a nationwide network consisting of 92 member organisations, a Secretariat in Kabul and four regional centres. CSHRO has since its inception in 2004 had a close and fruitful partnership with the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR). Throughout DIHR and the Afghan civil society collaboration in the last 8 years the network has received the technical and organizational competence to organize constructive dialogue with the Afghan state on political, economic, social and cultural issues. During this period the network developed itself to a dynamic collaborator with the international partners in the fields of human rights. The network representatives actively participate to different national and international events in and out of the country to convey the message of civil society and human rights activist to the rest of the world. Vision and Mission CSHRO firmly believe that Afghanistan can become a society based on democracy and the rule of law in accor ­ dance with human rights. This belief has become the networks vision so accordingly, CSHRO expect the Afghan society to become a nation, based on democracy and the rule of law in accordance with human rights, and a society, where the state regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion and social and political orientation provide equal opportunities for all, and where people are aware of their rights and claim them in safety and dignity In order to work towards the realization of this ambitious task, the mission of CSHRO is to establish a capable human rights movement through strengthening of rights based civil society and by promoting human rights values, monitoring the human rights situation and…

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CSHRN statement on planning illegal military programs in Afghanistan

In the name of Almighty Allah CSHRN statement on planning illegal military programs in Afghanistan Nov 14, 2012 Kabul-Afghanistan A number of political forces have recently propounded the discussion of establishing the military groups and stated about planning an independent martial programs. The discussion of organizing the martial programs is stated while the people and the government of Afghanistan vowed for strengthening the national government and national convergence. Planning such illegal programs has been discussed, while the general perception and attention of the world and supporters of Afghanistan has been focused on strengthening an active government that has professional structures and mechanisms. The Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan has strongly condemned designing such programs which are against the national interest, national unity, and rule of law and the process of convergence for peace in the country. The Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan welcomes such efficient and active state-building process that has police, intelligence, and united, trained and professional army, and expresses its deepest abhorrence of establishing any kind of military and martial unit beside the armed military forces of the country. The people of Afghanistan, who had experienced the civil wars in the country have been plagued and harassed by the contumaciousness of the military groups, and in no ways will bear nepotism, establishment of illegal armed groups and ancestry, and call for convergence and national unity in the country. Establishing illegal armed groups is against the constitution of Afghanistan and the other laws related to the military forces of the country, and it limits the role of the government in the society and broadened human rights violation. The Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan asks the president his Excellency, Hamid Karzai, to assure the people of Afghanistan from the…

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CSHRO Strategic Seminar conducted

By: Wazir Ahmad Khorami On March 12 th the strategic seminar of CSHRO was conducted in Kabul city, during the seminar representatives of member organizations together with the CSHRO secretariat discussed how to bring strategic changes into future activities of the Network. The strategic seminar was facilitated by Mr. Francesco Paolo Simone Castellani, adviser at the Danish Institute of Human Rights. At the beginning of the seminar Mr. Malek Sitez, Head of CSHRO's programs in Afghanistan, explained the importance of strategic planning and regularly updating of CSHRO's strategy to the participants. The aim of updating the strategy is to involve and include all member organizations into the CSHRO activities. The participants of the strategic seminar discussed the current strategy in comparison with the current situation in Afghanistan . The participants of the seminar were divided in four working groups where each working group discussed the issues of the key result areas of the strategy (capacity building, coordination and advocacy). During a one hour discussion, participants of the seminar discussed the main challenges of CSHRO in the field of coordination, capacity building and advocacy. The representatives of the working groups presented their ideas about the key result areas on behalf of their working group. The results of the working group discussion are very useful and constructive for future activities of CSHRO. As a result or the discussion two additional key result areas were proposed to be included in the strategy of CSHRO, these were “Public awareness” and “Monitoring”. Participants of the seminar agreed on collaboration of the member organizations in the field of monitoring the human rights situation as well as the dissemination of information on human rights issues to the people of Afghanistan. Participants of the seminar strongly advised CSHRO to focus on monitoring the human rights situation…

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Recommendations of the national conference on strengthening women’s role in peace-building

In the name of Almighty Allah Recommendations of the national conference on strengthening women's role in peace-building Oct 14, 2012 Kabul-Afghanistan Peace is one of the most significant requirements of all Afghans. Peace makes the ground for our people towards the national, social, economic development and c national solidarity. Peace is one of the messages of Islam. Allah calls upon human beings for peace and the prophet Muhammad has leaded the Muslims to live in peace and respect tolerance and coexistence. Peace is an accepted requirement at national and international level. The government of Afghanistan is responsible on the behalf of Afghan people to secure peace in the country. Since three years, the government of Afghanistan with the support of the international community has launched wide efforts for peace-building. Establishment of High Peace Council (HPC) to administrate efforts for peace in the country is one of the most important measures. Peace became as one of the most important agenda of the government but the enemies of peace has limited and challenged the peace process. It seems that illegal interventions from abroad have negatively affected the peace process. Women make half of population of our society. Women were the main victims of continuous wars in Afghanistan and have suffered from perpetual violence. The role of women is very important Women should have favorable opportunities like men for participating in peace-building processes. The principle based on demand and will, of women should be included in political programs of the government and international strategies. A series of regional conferences were organized and conducted by the High Peace Council and the Civil Society and Human Rights Network of Afghanistan. The regional conferences started from the provinces and consequently the "National Conference on Strengthening the Role of Women in Peace Process", conducted in…

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