HRD+ Statement: Perpetrators of Crimes Against Humanity in Daikundi Must Be Brought to Justice!

Once again, terrorists have committed another crime against humanity by opening fire on 14 of our fellow citizens in Daikundi. The victims of this tragic incident were civilians belonging to the Hazara community. They were massacred collectively due to their ethnic and religious identity, a clear and undeniable example of a crime against humanity. The terrorist attackers forced a group of travellers off their vehicles near the village of Palo Sang, in the Zartalay Valley on the border of Ghor and Daikundi provinces, and then brutally executed them. According to information received by HRD+, the victims had no political affiliations with any armed groups in Afghanistan and were completely innocent. The victims hailed from the village of Qarawdal, part of the Bandar region in Sangtakht and Bandar district of Daikundi province.HRD+ clearly declares:The Taliban administration, which has seized political power, has failed to provide the security they promised. Despite their claims, they have not been able to bring peace to the people. Security is a basic human right for every citizen, and no group should cause the slaughter of innocent people in our nation. We firmly demand that the Taliban administration take immediate action to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators of this tragic event.Recently, attacks on Hazara citizens and Shia followers in Afghanistan have increased, raising the risk of sectarian conflicts. We call on the people of Afghanistan to stand in solidarity with our Hazara compatriots during this sensitive time, as they deserve to live a dignified life in peace, both mentally and physically.HRD+ urgently calls on the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its Prosecutor, Mr. Karim A. A. Khan, to take immediate and serious action concerning the case of the Hazara massacres in Afghanistan. Most crimes against humanity targeting Shia and Hazara communities have been…

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Open Letter To: Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the United Nations Human Rights Council

Dear Excellencies, We, the undersigned Afghanistan and international human rights and civil society organisations, write to you once again to share our concerns regarding the grave human rights and humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and to reiterate the urgent need for accountability for gross, widespread and systematic human rights violations and abuses that continue to be committed across Afghanistan, including crimes under international law, some of which may amount to crimes against humanity.We call on the UN Human Rights Council, at its upcoming 57th regular session to: renew and strengthen with the necessary resources, the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan; establish a parallel and complementary independent mechanism to investigate, collect, consolidate, preserve and analyse evidence of human rights violations and abuses and crimes under international law; and ensure continuation of a dedicated space for enhanced interactive dialogue on the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan with meaningful follow-up to the report of the Special Rapporteur on Taliban’s repression against women and girls. We further urge you to seriously consider the calls for the recognition and codification of gender apartheid as a crime under international law.This letter, just as in our previous letter shared ahead of the 54th session of the Council in September 2023, is an outcome of consultations with Afghanistan’s civil society and human rights defenders located inside and outside of the country and enjoys broad support from Afghanistan’s civil society.In the past three years, the Taliban have completely reversed measures previously adopted to enhance the promotion and protection of human rights in Afghanistan. The Taliban, as the de facto authority, have spurned Afghanistan’s international obligations and have continued to introduce arbitrary, unlawful and wide-ranging restrictions on human rights.With bans on secondary and higher education, employment, freedom of movement,…

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HRD+ Statement the Collective Deportation of Afghan Refugees from Germany to Afghanistan

Recently, some criminals have carried out terrorist attacks against the police and German citizens, leaving harmful impacts on the political and social atmosphere of the country. Some of these lawless and criminal individuals, who have attacked, injured, or killed innocent people, are Afghan citizens who, due to difficult conditions, left their country and sought asylum in Germany. However, these individuals, without adhering to German law, culture, and social ethics, have committed such crimes, which are undoubtedly subject to legal prosecution. Unfortunately, as a result of these shocking incidents, xenophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment have spread in Germany, influencing the country's policymakers. Recently, the German government has begun deporting groups of Afghan refugees, forcibly returning those with criminal and legal records to Afghanistan. This approach has also led some other European countries, such as Austria, to emulate Germany, resulting in the expansion of the policy of deporting Afghan refugees and migrants across Europe. The HRD+ has closely monitored the situation and declares: Individual Responsibility for Crimes: Since crime is considered an individual and personal act, the individual crimes of people should not be generalized to other asylum and migration cases. From a criminological perspective, a crime represents the actions of a legal or natural person and requires legal consequences and accountability. No one else, except the criminal individuals, is obligated to pay penalties or face punishment. Therefore, based on the principles of the rule of law, transparency, justice, and accountability must be applied according to individual responsibility before the law, and the outcome of a crime or its punishment should not be extended to innocent individuals. Review of Criminal Cases: The examination of criminals' cases by specialized groups should occur within the scope of access to justice, and the identities of the criminals should be considered confidential. This will allow…

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HRD+ Statement Regarding the Travel Ban of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan

21 August 2024Recently, the de facto administration has announced a travel ban on Mr. Richard Bennett, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan, preventing him from continuing his visits to the country. This irresponsible action has caused deep concern among all human rights defenders and civil society activists in Afghanistan. Human Rights Defenders Plus (HRD+) strongly condemns this decision by the de facto administration and declares:Mr. Bennett's mission is based on the principles and accepted norms of international law, particularly international human rights law, and has been approved by the UN Human Rights Council. The primary goal of this mission is to monitor the human rights situation, document human rights violations, and provide detailed reports on human rights in Afghanistan. Therefore, no agenda outside the scope of human rights is included in this mission, making it a valuable process.Mr. Bennett's mission in Afghanistan is expertise-driven. This mission consists of a team of human rights specialists who are not committed to any government or political entity but are directly accountable to the human rights structures of the United Nations and report accordingly.The outlook of the UN Special Rapporteur's mission on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan is to improve the human rights situation by providing constructive recommendations to both the national and international communities. States and international organizations use the Special Rapporteur's recommendations to coordinate their programs aimed at supporting human rights and defending victims.Given the challenging situation in Afghanistan, the Special Rapporteur is considered the most important mission for monitoring the human rights situation in the country. Governments are obligated to provide constructive cooperation with UN Special Rapporteurs. Therefore, the travel ban on the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan is considered contrary to the accepted principles…

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The position paper by the Human Rights Defenders (HRD+)“Three years after the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan.”

The people of Afghanistan have endured three years of challenging conditions involving restrictions on human rights, widespread poverty, and a lack of legitimacy and the rule of law. During this period, the de facto Taliban administration imposed a dictatorial, religious extremist rule on society and banned citizens' freedoms. The Taliban disregarded the right to political participation, a foundational citizen right, and failed to establish any mechanism for national legitimacy. This lack of national legitimacy has led to a void in international legitimacy and isolated Afghanistan from the global community.Over the past three years, our people have experienced widespread human rights abuses, with women bearing the brunt of the social crisis. Children have faced hardships in the harsh economic and social environment, while poverty and unemployment have increased. Citizens have waited in long lines to obtain passports in order to leave Afghanistan. Reports from global sources indicate that Afghanistan is currently facing a humanitarian crisis, with a significant number of citizens suffering from mental health issues and depression. Due to the restrictions on human rights, the international community has been unable to provide the necessary support to the people of Afghanistan.Over the past three years, civil society actors, human rights activists, and women's rights defenders have faced threats, torture, and imprisonment. The Taliban have not hesitated to use inhumane treatment against their opponents and critics, leaving society in complete turmoil and distress. A large number of intellectuals and experts have left the country.The HRD+, considering the inhumane actions of the Taliban in the past three years, raises the following points:First, the de facto Taliban administration is not representative of the people of Afghanistan and has been imposed on our people by force and coercion. We urge all national and international actors to pressure and impose further restrictions on the…

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HRD+ Statement: Increasing Restrictions on Art and Artists in Afghanistan

The military takeover by the Taliban in August 2021 marked the beginning of a tragedy for the country’s cultural and artistic community. The de facto administration has imposed numerous threats and restrictions, creating harsh living conditions through inhumane treatment, beatings, and insults. Arts such as music, sculpture, dance, theater, cinema, and painting have been banned, leading to a soulless society. Some artists have been killed, and many have been tortured and publicly humiliated. Recently, De facto authorites cut off the hand of an artist for playing the guitar and subjected him to severe physical and psychological torture, exemplifying the immense suffering inflicted on the country’s culture.Afghanistan’s cultural identity is globally recognized, having offered some of the world’s best cultural figures. Prestigious museums house valuable Afghan artworks. Music, traditional dances, sculpture, painting, and singing have deep historical roots. However, the de facto administration, driven by narrow-minded and dogmatic religious-political ideology, aims to eradicate cultural artifacts and impose extensive restrictions on cultural figures. Afghanistan’s multicultural identity, composed of historical subcultures, value-based traditions, and languages, is increasingly under threat. De facto authorites have banned Persian (Dari) terms, one of the world’s oldest languages, and removed portraits and works of great historical figures from major galleries. These actions have severely damaged the spiritual essence of the country. Koocheh Kharaabat, once the origin of music, celebrations, and praises, is now silent. Local cultures and traditional music in every province are being censored and replaced by De facto authorites’s oppressive regime. Buildings and places dedicated to cinema, theater, music performances, traditional dances, and galleries have been attacked, and their equipment destroyed. National and international fine arts departments have been removed from the education system, and the Music School and the Afghanistan Institute of Music have been closed. Civil institutions supporting culture in Afghanistan are no longer…

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HRD+ Statement on the Dire Situation of Afghan Migrants and Refugees in Iran

Recently, distressing and shocking reports about the situation of Afghan migrants and refugees in Iran has affected the morale of the people of Afghanistan and the global humanitarian community. Documented reports published by the media and refugee support organizations indicate mistreatment of homeless and wandering Afghan migrants in Iran. Statements issued by local Iranian authorities emphasize shelter restrictions and call for the cessation of basic amenities for Afghan migrants. Additionally, people in some provinces of Iran have attacked Afghan migrants, subjecting them to physical abuse and humiliation. Credible reports and research indicate that arrests, torture, and harassment by Iranian police have been imposed on Afghan refugees and migrants, with some disappearing cases. Restrictions on employment, education, and access to health services have made life extremely difficult for Afghan migrants. These reports also state that many refugees and migrants suffer from depression and mental health issues. Afghan migrants detained in Iranian detention centers and prisons lack basic justice and access to information. Employment restrictions have led to high unemployment and uncertainty among Afghan migrants, resulting in widespread poverty among their families. Discrimination against Afghan migrants is widespread in all aspects of life for millions of migrants.Findings of the Human Rights Defenders Plus (HRD+) shows that a large number of refugees fled to Iran after the fall of the Republic to save their lives. Reports from the United Nations and human rights organizations indicate that many former government soldiers, human rights defenders, government employees, and ethnic-religious minorities have been tortured and harassed by the de facto Taliban administration, with some losing their lives. Therefore, individuals at serious risk have considered seeking asylum as the only option to ensure their safety and that of their families, and have sought refuge in Iran. Based on the 1951 Refugee Convention, the International Covenant…

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Ending Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan is a Global Responsibility!

Legal Note #1: "Internalizing" Gender Apartheid By The Taliban De Facto Administration Dr. Malek Sitez, Senior Researcher on Human Rights and International LawApartheid is the ugliest and most severe form of discrimination imposed on citizens by laws, structures, policies, and official mechanisms. Human society has witnessed various forms of apartheid, the most inhumane of which are racial apartheid and gender apartheid. In this regard, the global community has tried to make all governments commit to including all forms of apartheid as crimes in their legal systems and to prosecute the perpetrators of this heinous crime. On the other hand, international courts consider apartheid as a crime against humanity and call on the global community to completely eliminate apartheid on Earth. The International Criminal Court (ICC)i recognizes apartheid as a crime against humanity and conducts research and interpretation of legal theories related to this crime. Supporting the victims of apartheid violations is considered a duty of member states of the United Nations. Therefore, governments are required to identify ways to prevent this heinous phenomenon and punish those responsible, in line with the requirements of human rights conventions derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDRH), which specifically prohibit apartheid and discrimination. With the takeover by the Taliban in August 2021, the human rights situation of the people of Afghanistan has tragically changed. The Taliban, by declaring an Islamic emirate, nullified the Afghan constitution, which had guaranteed the protection of citizens’ fundamental rights in its second chapter, and abolished the laws derived from it. The Taliban leadership subsequently issued a continuous chain of restrictive orders against human rights of citizens, and the Taliban’s executive structures imposed and enforced them on the people. By implementing these discriminatory orders against women, the Taliban leader systematically deprived women of all their fundamental rights.…

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Women Must Play a Dynamic Role and Have Direct Participation in the Upcoming Doha Talks

The HRD+ is deeply concerned about the absence of Afghan women's important role and position in the upcoming Doha talks. The United Nations, which is organizing and managing these talks, is obligated to respect the fundamental role of women in resolving issues in Afghanistan in accordance with international laws, particularly international human rights. The people of Afghanistan are part of the global community and their rights should not be compromised in international forums.The HRD+ expresses ongoing and extensive support for oppressed Afghan women and states that the absence of women in the Doha talks contradicts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and UN Security Council Resolution 1325.The absence of women implies acceptance of the unfair and dictatorial preconditions set by the de facto Taliban against human rights, civil society, and national legitimacy. The HRD+ firmly states that accepting the Taliban's preconditions damages the dignity and trust of the national and international community in the United Nations.The HRD+ calls on the organizers and hosts of the Doha talks to seriously consider the recent report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and to take its recommendations into account in the upcoming talks. It has been mentioned that the UN will launch consultative programs with representatives of civil society and women before and after the Doha talks. The HRD+ requests that the hosts of this meeting do not marginalize women and civil society through this approach.The HRD+ urges the hosts of the Doha talks to reconsider the agenda and the invitation of participants in this meeting. Download English PDF Download Persian PDF

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Call for the Human Rights Defenders Network (HRD+) to Combat the Spread of the Culture of Immunity Against War Crimes and Human Rights Violations in Afghanistan by Some Governments Around the World

STOP NORMALIZING IMMUNITY FOR WAR CRIMINALS AND HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATORS!Some governments have been attempting to grant immunity to individuals who are on international blacklists for committing human rights violations and war crimes, despite facing legal, political, and economic sanctions from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). These individuals are being granted travel visas and the freedom to travel between countries, a move strongly criticized by HRD+.Committee 1988, based on decisions from the UNSC, is demanding all UN member states take serious action against these individuals, refraining from granting them immunity and legal freedom in their territories. This principle is rooted in international law and requires the global community to adhere to it.HRD+ is expressing deep objection to the Russian government for inviting Taliban ministers of education and higher education to the country. The Taliban administration has denied Afghan girls and children their fundamental right to education for over 1000 days, which HRD+ views as a historical crime. The decision by Russia, a member of the UNSC, to invite Taliban ministers for negotiations goes against human rights standards and ethical values in global and regional government relations.HRD+ criticizes the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia for inviting and hosting Taliban leaders who have a dark and terrifying history of terrorism. We strongly condemn this irresponsible act and demand the UN sanctions and monitoring committee to take decisive and deterrent action. If not, citizens of the world will lose trust in their ability to uphold human rights.We urge human rights activists, institutions, and monitoring mechanisms in Afghanistan to declare their position on the innocence and immunity of war criminals and human rights abusers separately, and ask world governments to adhere to accepted international human rights standards as outlined in the conventions.We expect media and civil society in Afghanistan, both within…

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