2014 ANNI Report on the Performance and Establishment of National Human Rights Institutions in Asia

The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Forum-Asia), is the secretariat of the Asia NGO Network on National Human Rights Institutions (ANNI). ANNI has 31 member organizations across Asia working towards the strengthening of NHRIs. ANNI - in accordance with ANNI Reporting Guidelines that were collectively formulated by the ANNI members - launches annual report on the Performance and Establishment of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in Asia. The Report primarily focuses on issues of independence and effectiveness of the NHRIs and their engagement with other stakeholders such as civil society. For the first time, in 2014, the Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) submitted a report on the performance and establishment of Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) The AIHRC as a Constitutional body, has performed commendably amidst a challenging socio-political and security environment during the past one decade. The recent direct appointment of new commissioners by the President has explicitly undermined its independence and effectiveness. The Afghanistan's chapter of the report looks into Independence, Effectiveness and Accountability of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission. ....................................................................................... Read The PDF

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International Coordinating Committee Sub-Committee on Accreditation (ICC-SCA) – Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) Stakeholders’ Submission

The International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions (ICC-NHRI) through its accreditation review process evaluates the compliance of its members with the Paris Principles. The Paris Principles layout standards for NHRIs to assess their independence and effectiveness to protect and promote human rights at national level. There are three levels of accreditation: "A", "B" and "C" NHRIs holding "A" status are in full compliance with the Paris Principles. They are re-accredited every five years. The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) as a National Human Rights Institution secured "A" status accreditation from the peer review process of the ICC-NHRI in November 2008. The AIHRC will be re-accredited in October (27-31Oct). The ICC Subcommittee on Accreditation requires the AIHRC to submit its State of Compliance. Parallel to the AIHRC report, the civil society also submits its shadow report. The civil society shadow report gives the perspective of civil society on the compliance of the AIHRC with the Paris Principles. This year, the Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) of Afghanistan along with the Asian NGO Network on National Human Rights Institutions (ANNI) based in Bangkok have made a joint submission. ....................................................................................... Read The PDF

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Conference on celebrating the International Human Rights Day and Appreciating the Human Rights works of Journalists

Dec 10th is the International Human Rights Day, celebrating this day is very important and meaningful especially to human rights defenders and activists. Dec 10th, is the day of commemorating the difficult experiences of global campaign for human rights ideals. Commemorating the importance of human rights, appreciating the human rights activities of civil players, praising and commending the position of human rights victims and reminding the government its human rights responsibilities will certainly pave the way for realization and expansion of human rights values and principles in the country. Hence, CSHRN celebrated this day by conducting a conference with the presence of civil society representatives and journalistsin the capital Kabul. The program was commenced with reciting some verses of the Holly Quran by Mr. Mohammad Sadiq Ahmadi;afterwards, Mr. Naim Nazari CSHRN’s executive director has opened the first part of the program with his valuable speech. After that, the panel members of the program, Ms. Farkhunda Zahra Naderi, member of the house of representatives, Doctor Malek Sitez, researcher in international affairs, and Sediqullah Tawhidi, Head of Nai supporting open media in Afghanistan, have respectively addressed their speech on the «role of media in promoting Human Rights», «Civil Rights, the cornerstone of Human Rights» and «Human Rights Situation of Journalists in Afghanistan». The second part of the program was dedicated for presenting the appreciation letters of some correspondents who were very active in reporting human rights issues. The correspondents who were presented appreciation letters by CSHRN were: Ms. Shakila Ibrahimkhail, Ms. Saliha Sadat and Sayed Azim Arash, from Tolo TV network, Mr. Sajad Mohammadi and Nazruddin Moslih, from 1TV, Ms. Farahnaz Frotan from Aryana News, Mr. Ayoub Arween from BBC radio, Mr. Akbar Rustemi from Hashte Subh Daily, Ms. Pashtana Arabzay from Shamshad TV and Mr. Amirshah Joya from Arezo…

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The 7th general assembly of CSHRN was conducted on 18th of March 2013

General Assembly is the highest authority of the Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN); the General Assembly is comprised of all member organizations from Kabul and provinces. The General Assembly is the policy making structure of the network. The General Assembly is being organized once every two years. The General Assembly evaluates the report that is presented by the network's Executive Secretariat. The General Assembly democratically elects the structures (the Board members, the Statement Committee and the Evaluation Committee) of the CSHRN. At the beginning, the Chairwoman of CSHRN's Board, Ms. Selay Ghafar welcomed all the participants of the General Assembly. Ms. Ghafar reported the General Assembly on the role and activities of the Board during the past two years. Ms. Ghafar appreciated the collaborative relations of the member organizations in promotion of human rights and strengthening of civil society in Afghanistan. According to her, CSHNR is the main human rights network that actively promotes human rights values in Afghanistan. According to Ms. Ghafar during the past two years the Board productively communicated with the member organizations and CSHRN executive structures. It was a good experience for joint and team-working manners. On behalf of CSHRN member organizations, Ms. Ghafar has appreciated the professional and constructive partnership of the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) with CSHRN programs in Afghanistan. She also appreciated the productive and supportive role of Danish and Swiss government's representatives in Afghanistan. During the recent General Assembly, CSHRN's report was presented by Mr. Naim Nazari, the Executive Coordinator of CSHRN. The report covered the two years activities of CSHRN 2011 -2012. The report elaborated the CSHRN activities in the field of strategic development of CSHRN during the past two years. The report mainly focused on main key result areas as capacity building,…

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Human Rights Winter School on Promoting International Humanitarian Law

More than 40 countries are carrying their military operations and investigation in Afghanistan. International reports indicate that a large number of civilian including women, children and elders are the victims of such missions in Afghanistan. On the other hand, the opposite insurgents groups use the civilians as their protective shields and unfortunately violating the international humanitarian law extensively. In addition, lack of sufficient information regarding the International Humanitarian Law in the political system induced the advocating role of the civil institutions in relation to the International Humanitarian Law to be marginalized. For promoting and generalizing the international humanitarian law, The Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) will conduct a sequence of awareness and capacity-building programs. For the present time, CSHRN has organized teacher-training programs in the capital Kabul, North, and Northeast, West, Southeast, central and East regions of the country and prepared the Educational Manual of the international humanitarian law that currently available with the civil society institutions. The educational winter school on international humanitarian law that was held at Central Hotel, Shah-e, Kabul, attended by 65 key trainers of CSHRN from Kabul and other provinces who carried out extensive discussion on challenges against the values of the international humanitarian law. According to the participants and based on the international humanitarian law, the Afghan government, the international community and the other involved parties should clearly express their commitments and responsibilities toward the values of the international humanitarian law. The second part of the program was a live music by a talented and young singer, Abdullah Milad Kabiri with high humanitarian messages through music. CSHRN is to conduct widespread educational programs in the field of international humanitarian law in the capital and other provinces soon.

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Active presence of the civil society & human rights network of Afghanistan «In Afghanistan International Conference in Bonn»

Bonn conference which gained great importance in current situation, defines the role of international community in betterment of security and support of Afghanistan after 2014. This conference which was held in Bonn city of Germany with the huge participation of international community, acquired international coverage, the conference also acquired a lot of significance for the people of Afghanistan . The most important message of this conference is the commitment of the international community for the future of Afghanistan . In this conference, the government of the United States of America , European Union member countries, India Japan, Canada , Australia and all of the engaged countries in reconstruction and security of Afghanistan sent their authorized representatives, expressed their continued commitment of supporting the new system, keeping the values of the democracy, respecting the human rights and the rule of law. Mrs. Hillary Clinton, minister of foreign affairs of the United States of America, expressed her government's support from Afghanistan and insisted on strengthening the civil society, respect for the values of human rights & democracy in her five minutes speeches in this conference. Mrs. Merkel, prime minister of Germany, on behalf of her government as well as on behalf of the European Union called the respect of the human rights, one of the significant preconditions of the states of this Union for supporting Afghanistan . Other participant countries focused on a legal system, based on Afghanistan constitution that reveals the importance of the conference for the people of Afghanistan. Civil society congregation was held one day before this conference in Bonn, 34 representatives of civil society who were democratically elected by the civil society organizations of the country has participated in this conference. In civil society congregation in Bonn , 10 members of Civil Society & Human Rights…

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CSHRN was adopted as the main partner by Tawanmandi ORG

Since 2010, the human rights organizations decided to create a supportive box (fund) for supporting the civil society institutions in Afghanistan in order to coordinate some practical and constructive programs for strengthening the civil society institutions in the country. The Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Swiss are the states that work to bringing together the international help and supports in strengthening the civil society institutions; therefore they have managed many consultative meetings with civil institutions since 2010. The outcome of these meetings is establishing Civil Society Understanding and Supportive center by the name of «Tawanmandi». Tawanmandi has commenced its operations since 2012, and coordinated its activities in three stages. The first stage was forming organizational capacities. During this period, managerial and administrative guidelines and standards were created. The second stage was the early phase of supporting, during this stage a number of civil society institutions were technically and economically supported by Tawanmandi. The third stage of Tawanmandi's activities was concerning with selecting the main partners in different fields. Human Rights is one of the key issues in the programs of Tawanmandi in Afghanistan. In order to better recognize its main partners, Tawanmandi has assessed monitoring, managerial and administrative programs of many organizations. Monitoring groups of Tawanmandi have evaluated and observed the organizational, managerial, administrative and executive structures of the organizations that provided their proposals for strategic partnership with Tawanmandi ORG. In the meantime, Tawanmandi has evaluated their strategic programs and policies, and as a result, CSHRN has successfully passed the evaluation process and was formally recognized as the main partner of Tawanmandi in the field of strengthening human rights in the country. CSHRN's executive programs in cooperation and coordination with Tawanmandi will be started from 2014. These programs will be concerning with human rights advocacy, capacity building…

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Training of trainers educational program & Human Rights Educational School on UN Security Council Resolution 1325

The program that was attended by 95 trainers of CSHRN from 20 provinces was conducted in Safi Landmark Hotel, Kabul. The goal of the program was to train expert and experienced teachers in the field of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and exchanging and sharing of experiences among CSHRN's trainers and other national structures working on the field of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325). This program was organized based on the educational manual on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 prepared by the Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN). During this educational program, despite discussing regarding the role of women in peace-building, security, increasing capacity-building and familiarity with the activities of various structures in this regard, the trainers have also initiated significant debates about the opportunities and challenges facing women in the process of state-building, institution-building and strengthening peace. In order to converge in the process of implementing this program, more and more coordination amongst the civil, governmental, media and academic institutions was emphasized during this educational school. During the program, the Afghan Women Network (AWN), War Child Canada, the High Peace Council (HPC), and Humanitarian Assessment for Women and Children of Afghanistan (HAWCA) have shared their programs, experiences and find outs with the participants of the program. The Civil Society & Human Rights Network of Afghanistan (CSHRN) is to organize some widespread programs regarding the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 by its experienced and expert trainers across the country.

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