Women Activists’ Narratives from Unknown Enemies; Taliban with a Different Identity or Others with Taliban’s Identity?

Ms. Durrani spent her childhood as an immigrant. She returned back to the country with her family as a teenager after the fall of the Taliban. Having completed her schooling in immigration, she was forced to complete her university studies through distance learning, due to security concerns. Maryam Durrani, now a well-known activist in the field of women's rights in Kandahar, like any other citizen, has had fears and experiences of insecurity and violence at every moment of her life in the country. Ms. Durrani, who is in charge of a radio station called "Women" and supports several women's organizations, says that since the beginning of their activities, she and her colleagues have experienced many threats and limitations. "Since our activities are related to women, we have been threatened several times so far. Our radio employees either receive threatening calls or are publicly and directly threatened in the streets and markets. "Sometimes, due to security problems, we are not allowed visit some areas." Ms. Durrani adds that in terms of security issues, what targets women, especially employed one’s is targeted assassinations, but she believes that these assassinations are not always carried out by the Taliban. "Assassinations cannot always be attributed to the Taliban. Some people carry out assassinations because of personal problems or rivalry with a person, but are ascribe to the Taliban.", said Ms. Durrani. According to her, the opposite is not far-fetched either, and the Taliban may easily claim responsibility for the assassination, which is one of the serious problems of women activists in Kandahar because they are unable to recognize their true enemies.  She has survived two suicide bombings while working as a lawyer for the Kandahar Provincial Council. One of the most painful experiences of her career was the assassination of a colleague and…

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Women are the main victims of Afghanistan’s negotiating team weakness

Many experts, especially women’s rights activists believe that Afghanistan’s negotiating team combination, knowledge, and ability to negotiate are among the factors that can influence their success. The weakness of the negotiating team, however, will be detrimental to women more than any other group.In an interview with the CSHRN, Ms. Salimi said that the negotiating team of Afghanistan should not accept any restrictions with regards to women. Women are not willing to accept any restrictions that the Taliban might impose on their rights. She added that the world’s great powers should pressure the Taliban to respect women’s rights.Network: What effect does the presence of women in peace negotiation have?Salimi: In retrospect, because of the patriarchal structure of society, men have never been able to represent women. Therefore, the widespread presence of women in this process can guarantee the protection of women’s rights. Afghan women have the ability to play a direct role in determining their own future. Ms. Salimi added that women should defend their rights enshrined in the constitution and international treaties, and participate in all political processes, including the peace negotiations, which has a direct impact on maintaining their freedom and achievements.Network: What are the important demands of women from peace talks?Salimi: The most important demand for women is that all their political, social, and economic achievements be preserved because they do not want to retreat to the past. Women want to play an active role in all areas of society and be economically self-sufficient so that they can contribute to the needs of the family alongside men.Network: What is your general view about peace talks?Salimi: Although I am not optimistic about the outcome of negotiations with the Taliban who has always carried out killings, and the war will continue if no attempt is made to achieve…

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Bi-weekly Situation Report
No. 12 (July 01, 2021 – July 15, 2021)

Civil Society and Human Rights Network Purpose: This bi-weekly report describes the updates and challenges related to the government’s relief response program, known as Dastarkhan-e-Meli, and health assistance in combating Covid-19 in Afghanistan. Time Coverage: The report covers all the measures undertaken from July 01 to July 15, 2021, by the government in Afghanistan concerning health and humanitarian assistance during the Covid-19 pandemic. Situation Overview: Covid-19 New Update: The third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic put in place tremendous health crises.  The positive cases and death toll are on the rise while health services are limited. The health institutions and hospitals are suffering from poor facilities and mismanagement, undermining the efforts to mitigate the effects of the pandemic across the provinces. The graph below shows the rising Covid-19 positive tests and loses during the first half of June 2021 across Afghanistan. However, due to lack of data and documentation, the actual number is expected to be much higher. Amidst the third wave of the pandemic, people in most provinces are suffering from poor health services. In the meanwhile, the COVID-19 hospitals across the provinces provide insufficient and poor health services. In several provinces, including Balkh, Herat, Kabul, Jawzjan, Ghor, people are suffering from lack of oxygen. Likewise, the price of oxygen increased several times higher than the normal price before. For example, one balloon of 40 Kg oxygen is between 2000 AFNs to 5000 AFN while the same balloon was previously available for 500 AFNs only. Poor individuals tested positive are not able to afford oxygen balloons, putting them at high risk of health crisis. Challenges in implementation of Datarkhan-e-Melli:  In most provinces, the Dastarkhan-e-Meli program has been suspended due to both lack of budget and growing insecurity as most districts have recently fallen under the control of…

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No. 12 (July 01, 2021 – July 15, 2021)

Women’s Only Demand from Peace is not Just an End to War

در گرماگرم گفت‌وگوها در مورد مذاکرات صلح با طالبان و تعیین‌شدن هیاتی متشکل از زنان و مردان برای آن، افزون بر مشکلات امنیتی، موضوعی که همواره به عنوان یکی از نگرانی‌های زنان، از نتیجه‌ی روند صلح، از آن یاد شده، دست‌کم گرفته‌شدن حقوق و دست‌آوردهای آنان است. برخی از فعالان حقوق زن در کندز می‌گویند، اگر در مذاکرات صلح، به حقوق زنان اهمیت داده نشود، این صلح از نگاه آنان کامل نخواهد بود. حبیبه گلستانی، یکی از فعالان حقوق زن در کندز در گفت‌وگویی با شبکه‌ی جامعه‌ی مدنی و حقوق بشر(ازاین به بعد، "شبکه") می‌گوید، افزون بر مشکلات امنیتی، کمبود فرصت‌های شغلی و نبود مصونیت کاری، از جمله  مشکلاتی است که زنان در این ولایت انتظار دارند، با برقرار شدن صلح، برطرف شود«ریاست امور زنان، تنها پست دولتی در کندز است که به یک زن داده شده که آن هم به صورت نمادین است. در سوی دیگر پست معاونت اجتماعی ولایت کندز از چند سال به این سو به دست یک مرد است، در حالی که تعداد قابل توجهی از زنان در کندز شرایط انتخاب شدن برای این پست را دارند، اما به دلیل تهدیدها، جرات کاندید شدن را ندارند.»دراین صورت، به نظر شما حضور زنان در ادارات پر رنگ نیست؟                                                                                                                                گلستانی: وقتی زنان در بخش‌های کلیدی و تصمیم‌گیرنده نباشند و صلاحیتی که به یک مرد داده می‌شود، به آنان داده نشود، آنان فقط برای امرار معاش کار می‌کنند و نمی‌توان آن را حضو پر…

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Toolkit on Countering Hate Speech in Afghanistan

Worldwide, the increasing use of hate speech is posing challenges to inclusive democratic participation as well as access to critical rights, such as freedom from discrimination and violence. Recognizing the need to engage civil society, media and other electoral stakeholders in countering hate speech in Afghanistan, this toolkit serves as a resource guide for how to effectively counter hate speech while protecting the right to freedom of speech and protection. The toolkit contains an introduction to international principles as well as domestic legislation related to countering hate speech; global best practice examples; and practical strategies and steps for countering hate speech in country. Click to download pdf More Interviews: Civil Society Report on Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities February 20, 2017 Annual Report National Unity Government’s Reconciliation with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar The prospects for peace, justice and human rights in Afghanistan Civil Society and Human Rights Network Afghanistan November 26, 2016 Reports The 8th General Assembly of CSHRN February 18, 2015 Annual Report CSHRN UPR Report 2014 February 17, 2015 Annual Report 1 2 3 4 … 11 Next

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Bi-weekly Situation Report
No. 11 (June 01, 2021 – June 15, 2021)

Civil Society and Human Rights Network Purpose: This bi-weekly report describes the updates and challenges related to the government’s relief response program, known as Dastarkhan-e-Meli, and health assistance in combating Covid-19 in Afghanistan. Time Coverage: The report covers all the measures undertaken from June 01 to June 15, 2021, by the government in Afghanistan concerning health and humanitarian assistance during the Covid-19 pandemic. Situation Overview: Covid-19 New Update: The third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic put in place tremendous health crises.  The positive cases and death toll are on the rise while health services are limited. The health institutions and hospitals are suffering from poor facilities and mismanagement, undermining the efforts to mitigate the effects of the pandemic across the provinces. The graph below shows the rising Covid-19 positive tests and loses during the first half of June 2021 across Afghanistan. However, due to lack of data and documentation, the actual number is expected to be much higher. Amidst the third wave of the pandemic, people in most provinces are suffering from poor health services. According to CSHRN’s findings, residents in Paktia, Bamyan, Takhar, and Ghor provinces have limited access to oxygen, face poor health sanitation, and inadequate medical workers across Covid-19 hospitals. For example, in Covid-19 hospitals in Bamyan province, there are only 10 nurses, 10 vaccinators, and 20 beds available for patients, which cannot meet the growing needs of the people. CSHRN’s focal point in Bamyan communicated the problem with the provincial authorities, as a result of which 20 more beds were provided to the hospitals. In Ghor province, people face with lack of oxygen, and inadequate health staff across the Covid-19 hospital in this province. On February 5, 2021, the Covid-19 hospital in Ghor province got fire and a large part of its health facilities…

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No. 11 (June 01, 2021 – June 15, 2021)

Bi-weekly Situation Report
No. 9 (May 01, 2021 – May 15, 2021)

Civil Society and Human Rights Network Purpose: This bi-weekly report describes the updates and challenges related to the government’s relief response program, known as Dastarkhan-e-Meli, and health assistance in combating Covid-19 in Afghanistan.Time Coverage: The report covers all the measures undertaken from May 01, 2021 to May 15, 2021, by the government in Afghanistan concerning health and humanitarian assistance during the Covid-19 pandemic.Situation Overview: Covid-19 New Update:During this period, the official report indicates a sharp increase in the number of positive cases, recoveries, and deaths. Due to a weak health system and mismanagement, however, more people prefer home-based treatment. As a result, it has made it difficult to track the exact numbers of positive cases.During the reporting period, almost all provinces have received the Covid-19 vaccines. So far, mostly the government employees, including teachers, doctors, NGOs’ employees, security forces, and common public have been vaccinated. However, concerns are still in place as many people across the country avoid being vaccinated for the Covid-19 due to is alleged side-effects. And Yet, the government has failed to raise public awareness on its safety.In Paktia province, the Taliban is considered a major obstacle on the way to Covid-19 vaccination as the group has closed 16 vaccination centers out of the total 21.In the western Herat province, concerns are growing over the influx of returnees from Iran with a daily number of around 2000 to 3000 in a day. As Iran is still the hotspot of Covid-19, the refugees returning to Afghanistan have increased the concerns over the spread of the virus in western provinces such as Herat and Nimruz as the latter province is suffering from lack of vaccinators as well.Also, Laghman province is suffering from lack of laboratory to test the Covid-19 samples as the are sent to Nangarhar province…

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No. 9 (May 01, 2021 – May 15, 2021)

Afghanistan: Joint call for an immediate end to attacks against human rights defenders and need for protection and accountability

The threats, harassment, intimidation and attacks against human rights defenders, activists, journalists and media workers in Afghanistan must end – the undersigned international human rights organizations said. From September 2020 until May 2021, a total of 17 human rights defenders have been killed, including nine journalists, based on information compiled by the Afghan Human Rights Defenders Committee (AHRDC). Nine of those killed were in the first five months of this year. During this period, over 200 human rights defenders and media representatives reported that they were receiving serious threats to the AHRDC and the Afghanistan Journalists Safety Committee. A report published by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) in February 2021, noted that 65 media practitioners and human rights defenders have been killed since 2018. In most of these cases, no perpetrators have been held to account. These attacks are aimed at silencing peaceful dissent and those working on human rights, especially women’s rights, as well as those seeking justice and accountability for human rights violations. The timing of escalating attacks against human rights defenders, activists and journalists appears to be linked to the ongoing peace process between the Government of Afghanistan, the United States, and the Taliban. It is vital to uphold and prioritize freedom of expression during this critical time in Afghanistan and for its future. The progress made on creating safe space for human rights defenders especially women human rights defenders and journalists is at stake with the United States and NATO forces’ full withdrawal announcement from Afghanistan by 11 September 2021. The attack targeting school children in Kabul on 8 May, is a devastating reminder of escalating violence against civilians, especially against women and girls. The international community, as stakeholders of the current political processes, including the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, and NATO member…

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Bi-weekly Situation Report
No. 8 (April 16, 2021 – April 30, 2021)

Civil Society and Human Rights Network Purpose: This bi-weekly report describes the updates and challenges related to the government’s relief response program, known as Dastarkhan-e-Meli, and health assistance in combating Covid-19 in Afghanistan.Time Coverage: The report covers all the measures undertaken from April 16, 2021 to April 30, 2021, by the government in Afghanistan concerning health and humanitarian assistance during the Covid-19 pandemic.Situation Overview: Covid-19 New Update:During this period, the official report indicates a sharp increase in the number of positive cases, recoveries, and deaths. Due to a weak health system and mismanagement, however, more people prefer home-based treatment. As a result, it has made it difficult to track the exact numbers of positive cases.During the reporting period, almost all provinces have received the Covid-19 vaccines. So far, mostly the government employees, including teachers, doctors, NGOs’ employees, security forces, and common public have been vaccinated. However, the implementation still faces rumors about the side effects of the vaccines. For example, in Paktia, Ghor, Logar, and Bamiyan provinces, the public have shown little interest to be vaccinated due to the reason mentioned above.Therefore, to encourage all to be vaccinated, the government should start and extend public awareness campaign on the needs of the vaccine and its safety.As the graph above shows a sharp increase in the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 across the country, most Covid-19 health centers across the provinces are either understaff or have poor health services. In April 24, 2021, in Takhar province, all 84 available clinics were closed as health workers in those clinics protested because they had not been paid for several months. In addition, Herat province, bordering with Iran, is at the frontline of the pandemic and is suffering from lack of health staff across the Covid-19 hospitals. Finally, doctors across the…

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No. 8 (April 16, 2021 – April 30, 2021)

Bi-weekly Situation Report
No. 7 (April 1, 2021 – April 15, 2021)

Civil Society and Human Rights Network Purpose: This bi-weekly report describes the updates and challenges related to the government’s relief response program, known as Dastarkhan-e-Meli, and health assistance in combating Covid-19 in Afghanistan.Time Coverage: The report covers all the measures undertaken from April 1, 2021 to April 15, 2021, by the government in Afghanistan concerning health and humanitarian assistance during the Covid-19 pandemic.Situation Overview: Covid-19 New Update:During this period, the official report indicates several new positive tests, recoveries, and deaths. Due to a weak health system and mismanagement, however, more people prefer home-based treatment. As a result, it has made it difficult to track the exact numbers of positive cases.During the reporting period, almost all provinces have received the Covid-19 vaccines. So far, mostly the government employees, including teachers, doctors, and security forces have been vaccinated. However, the implementation still faces rumors about the side effects of the vaccines. For example, in Nimroz, Logar, and Bamiyan provinces, the public have shown little interest to be vaccinated due to the reason mentioned above.Challenges in implementation of Datarkhan-e-Melli: During the reporting period, security threats have been considered a key challenge to implement Dastarkhan-e-Melli program. The provinces such as Ghor, Logar, Jowzjan, Laghman, Paktia, and Helmand are identified with high risks posed by the Taliban.Bamiyan province:As per CHRN’s previous concern over the exclusion of displaced people from the neithboring Maidan Wardak province to Bamiyan, during this reporting period, around 200 displaced families from Wardak province, now based in Bamiyan, have received food packages. However, concerns over bad quality of food items and mismanagement are still in place. For example, bean and soap have been removed from the distribution list.Ghor province:Dastarkhane Melli program is in progress in the district of Lal-sarjangal, in which 125 development councils have newly received funds from the…

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No. 7 (April 1, 2021 – April 15, 2021)